begging for another chance if there's any chance at all

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At the x Mansion the next morning rogue woke to the usual noise coming from the kitchen still thinking about the conversation she had with Gambit the night before "ah just wish he would quit being an acolyte then maybe we would have some chance together" she thought before pushing it away thinking how crazy that sounded wanting to be with someone that was the enemy "like good morning!" Came the loud and happy voice of kitty smiling like always rogue always found it funny that she and kitty were best friends now unlike when she first came to the institute but then again the more she thought about it the more she started realizing it was because of how different they were that they got on sometimes better than some others she just guessed it was because kitty was the light to her darkness when it came to personalities "so like what did you dream about last night?" This caused rogue to look at her silently panicking "nothing " she said before getting up and ready for school.

At the acolytes base still morning
Gambit awoke to the sound of pyro busting into his room just like every morning "rise and shine sunshine " pyro said in a voice that always got on his nerves, finally sitting up he looked behind him to see Colossus standing there with an expression that was an obvious silent apology for pyro just busting in like that. After getting up and dressed he went to their kitchen to see pyro fixing coffee and Colossus just sitting in the corner and to his disappoinment he also saw sabertooth sitting with them "guess he decided to join us today tout simplement génial (translation just great)" he thought before sitting down letting his thoughts go about before he started thinking about rogue and how much he really wanted to be able to tell her how he felt but three things were stopping him for one: he was an acolyte, working for magneto the enemy to the X-Men for two: he was suppose to be a womanizer, a ladies man not someone who would think about being with one person too long but that's what he wanted with rogue to be with her forever if possible and lead's to number three: he wasn't suppose to feel like that for someone cause attachment to things or people made being a thief hard nevermind the fact that he was already attached and scared of both losing her and loving her and that's when it really hit him he was in love with her not some crush or obsession but was truly deeply in love with her "merde" he muttered under his breath before getting up to go for a walk.

After school rogue went her usual way back to the mansion when she turned a corner a hand reached out and grabbed her feeling a since of deja vu she looked to see who it was and sure enough it the Cajun that had kidnapped her and just thinking back on it in this moment made her have to hold back a laugh and keep a straight face "what do ya want swamp rat?" She asked as soon as he let her go "oh nothin Cherie just going for a little walk and saw ya and decided ta see if ya wanted to talk..." He answered while holding his breath without realizing it at this point he was staring her in the eye so she could see that he had no other intentions after seeing the sincerity in his eyes she finally relaxed and sat down on the ground "so whaddya wanna talk about?" She asked causing him to finally let out a sigh of relief knowing that she wasn't going to leave "oh ya know just this or that" he said unsure of where to start "um ok well.." rogue was interrupted by gambit giving her a quick kiss on the lips causing her to freeze from pure shock and confusion and gambit was in a similar situation after realizing what he did and to his surprise rogue gave him a kiss of her own when they pulled away rogue slowly got up and left leaving gambit confused on what he had done and that she had done the same thing "mm that was interesting wouldn't mind it happening again" he thought before walking away and rogue was busy thinking the same thing and what neither one realized was that both were being watched by someone from the shadows ...

the man I want to be Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang