me me's

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"Man of iron! what is a me me?" The billionaire in question sighed as he rubbed his forehead. Tony knew exactly what the god meant but he decided to pretend he didn't to get out of explaining it to the simple minded god.

"What's a what what?" Tony didn't think Thor would believe that he didn't know, but the idiocy of the god amazed him every day. Tony mentally gagged as he realised that he sounded like the brother of the god that stood before him, loki.

"A Me Me." The god persisted.

"Um, Mr Stark, I believe that Mr Thor means meme." Peter pops his head through an open window, making the philanthropist and the god jump as high as the clouds, although, I guess, that was an accurate statement seeing as though the tower was one of the tallest in the city.

"What the fuck! Where the hell did you come from, kid?" Tony sighed as he placed his hand over his rapidly beating heart.

"His spider senses told him he was required." Clint answered after falling from the ceiling vents, a birds nest on his head, two baby birds inside, chirping. Clint quickly gave them a chewed up worm before running away flapping his arms like a bird. Tony sighed, for what felt like the millionth time in the course of five minutes.

"Mr Clit is right." Natasha, who no one had known was there, spat her water all over Loki, who was in the form of a cat and screeched before running away to bathe himself. Thor yelled 'there you are brother' before returning to the conversation, eager to learn what a 'me me' was.

"Spider boy do you know what that means." The very amused red headed assassin asked the innocent cinnamon roll that was Peter Parker. The boy turned his attention to the woman, trying to remember what it was that he had said. He had, reasonably, forgotten due to the loud laughter that echoed from his mouth.

"Nope. I just fucked up speaking my english. Wait, no, english my speaking? No, my english speaking? Yeah.. right?" The boy rambled, trying to determine how the sentence was supposed to be said.

"LANGUAGE!" An angry capsicle scolded from his position in the laundry shoot.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE LAUNDRY SHOOT!" A very confused and overwhelmed Tony Stark screamed.

"I thought I saw a kitten, turns out it was just a fluffy blanket." the innocent iceberg said softly, almost sadly. The avengers really needed a pet, loki in cat form wasn't enough, especially with the amount of times he's stabbed Thor from other forms, for example: Snake. (slippery little prick)

"What color, mine has gone missing." the black widow asked, attention suddenly focused on the fossil.

"Green. I saw Loki put it in the shoot. I figured he'd be the one to put a cat in the laundry shoot." The ancient man responded dryly.

"LOKI YOU GREEN LOVING, MURDEROUS CAT GET YOUR FLUFFY BOOTY HERE!" Natasha then ran off, A knife that she had pulled from seemingly nowhere in her hand.

"Why did you think a green blanket was a cat?" The ex-playboy asked the not-really-captain-but-also-very-really-captain.

"I don't know, maybe loki dyed the cat green?" He responded un-sure-ly (?).

"Fair, I could see Loki doing that." the billionaire reasoned.

"Will anybody tell me what a 'me me' is?" Thor questioned the remaining avengers while eating a pop tart. He didn't get an answer though, as Bruce walked in covered in a sticky white goo. This substance very obviously, and very fairly caused a ruckus.

"BRUCEY, MY LOVE, WHAT IS THAT LIQUID! THE STICKY WHITE LIQUID." Tony screetched, ending with a smirk planted on his pink lips. Bruce hurriedly ran down the hallway, Tony and Peter following, although the boy had a camera whereas the iron-can was empty handed. Thor was left alone and ended up asking Jarvis what a meme was, who then gave him a few examples.

In an unfortunate-but-very-fortunate ending, this led to Thor finding wattpad. Thor, however, can not read. So he asked loki, the smaller god searching up a load of different things, obviously about himself, expecting to find less erotic content, but wattpaders be wattpaders. Loki spat his tea across the room as he read a very descriptive story, the name: Loki Smut.

Your welcome, I imagine a load of applause don't defy my expectations or you will suffer. It's not the best, feel free to expand if you want.

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