Possible Pairs

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Fluttershy's eyes went wide. "B-but, what if they don't want to g-get p-paired?" She protested. "Not that i'm disagreeing with you," she quickly added.

"Nonsense! Who doesn't like finding their soulmate?" I laughed. Fluttershy looked at the pictures of our classmates. "Well... I suppose you're right...," she finally agreed. I nodded in approval. Now, back to pair picking.

"Alright. First, let's pick a girl," I decided. Maybe after picking the girl, we could decide her pair.

Fluttershy looked at the photo again. "I don't know, Rare. Why don't you pick?" She asked quietly. I scanned the picture. I sighed. "Maybe we should flip to another page?" I asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Okay," she agreed.

I closed my eyes and flipped the page. I opened my eyes and looked at my random page. The Wondercolt's Girl Soccer Team. Plenty of girls there. But which one?

"So.. which one?" I asked Fluttershy. She inspected the picture. "How about Lightning Dust?" She asked. My eyes widened. "She almost killed us!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. How about Rainbowshine?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Flitter?" No.

"Daring Do?" No.

"Sun Shower?" No.

"Night Glider?" No.

"Rainbow Crash?" Who?

Fluttershy's eyes nervously shifted. "Ooooh, nobody," she said.

"Derpy?" "I don't think the future's bright for Derpy,".

Fluttershy looked surprised. "Really? I'm pretty sure she's fond of that guy, Time Turner," she whispered. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, darling, but I think we should go with someone who might be easier to pair," I said. Derpy and I don't exactly see eye to eye.

"Oh... well, I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud here... how 'bout a girl in the reserves team?" She asked hopefully. I nodded and looked at the next page:

Wondercolt's Girl Soccer Reserve's Team

"Here's a list of their names," Fluttershy said, pointing to a list under the picture.

Clear Skies
Aurora Dawn
Holiday Shine
Twilight Sparkle

"How did Twilight get in the team? She doesn't even belong in this universe! Scratch that, she doesn't even know how to play soccer!" I exclaimed. "Oh, well, since she saved our school a few times and all, the team decided to let her in, but she never plays," Fluttershy explained. I nodded, understanding.

"What about Scootaloo? Isn't she younger than all of us? Ooh, and Aurora Dawn? I don't see her around here anymore. Anyways, back to matchmaking," I said, studying the names on the list again.

"You know, a certain pink-haired reserve defender might like getting matchmaked," Fluttershy said, a nervous tone in her voice. I checked the names of the reserve defender. "Oh, it's nobody, the only reserve defender is you, Fluttershy," I said, giggling. Fluttershy chuckled nervously.

I groaned. "Nope. Nobody. None. I'll never be a matchmaker," I whined to myself. Fluttershy looked at the book. "Really, Rare, a pink-haired girl could be matchmaked," she said again. I rolled my eyes. "As if Pinkie Pie can find anybody perfect and insane enough for her," I said. "Oh.... maybe another page?" Fluttershy asked. I smiled sadly at her. Such a nice friend. I looked at the photo of the team again. They all look happy and friendly and the team captain- I've got it! How could I not see it? A friend of mine who happens to be team captain!

"Fluttershy, darling," I called to her. "Ever wanted to poke fun at our dear friend?" I asked, jabbing my finger at the picture of team captain, who was beaming and holding her head and trophy up high.

Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy's eyes went so wide it looked abnormal. "RAINBOW DASH? But I've never seen her interested in guys before! What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't wanna hang out with us anymore? What if she gets angry at us? What if this destroys her life? I don't want to destroy anyone's life! And who are we going to pair her with?" Fluttershy blurted out frantically. I laughed.

"No worries, Fluttershy, darling! I just remembered! Remember that time we celebrated that ex-student's wedding and we were all bridesmaids?" I asked her. She tapped her chin and thought for a while. "Oh, yes! Cadence's wedding?" She asked. I nodded. "Photo Finish took a picture of Rainbow Dash without her noticing at the wedding. That would be a big help," I said slyly. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

I flipped open to the pages labled:

School Memories

I shifted around the pages until I found the picture I wanted. "Aha! There it is! Rainbow Dash was obviously hitting it off with the Wondercolt's Boy Soccer Team Captain!" I exclaimed, pointing to a picture where Rainbow Dash was wearing one of my beautifully made dresses, dancing with the team captain.

"You mean Soarin?" Fluttershy asked, recognizing the guy. I nodded enthusiastically. I pulled out a pair of sicssors a looked at Fluttershy. "Um, darling, can I-?" I asked, looking at the sicssors and the book. Fluttershy gave me a 'go-ahead' look and I immediately cut out that photo if Soarin and Rainbow Dash. I pulled out a notebook and pasted the picture onto a page and grinned.

Turning to Fluttershy, I squealed, "I shall call them 'SOARINDASH'!"
YAAAY my fave ship! Also, yes,it is the Aroura Dawn from the Rainbow Factory creepypasta. That's why Rarity said she hasn't seen her in a while. LOL.You can already tell how it's gonna turn out. Anyways, I need more shippings! What's your fave ships? Comment it down and I'll make sure Rarity gets to it!

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