Chapter 1

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Celestiel stared into the mirror, lost in thoughts as she stared at her own reflection. It seemed to her that the air around was choking her and making it hard to breathe. She couldn't believe she was getting married to a man she had only heard stories about and they weren't even good stories at the very least!

"Celestiel, breathe. You can't look so grim on your own wedding day", Alora, Celestiel's personal maid tried to calm the princess down.

"How can I possibly be happy, Alora? I'm basically being sold off", Celestiel replied, a trapped look in her golden eyes. "Why do I have to be the one to marry the pirate King? Wasn't Celia supposed to? How come I'm the one getting ready for marriage now?"

"Celestiel, your father is only trying to look out for Celia...", Alora began but Celestiel cut her off with a scoff.

"My father isn't looking out for Celia, he's as selfish as they come...he decided to marry me off because unlike Celia, I'm his illegitimate child"

"Don't say that, your highness...", Alora tried to comfort the princess gently but Celestiel wasn't listening.

"I imagined I would be married off to Duke Richard's son....atleast I'd be close to home...and my mother's resting place", Celestiel looked down, chuckling dryly. "But now, forget living near home...I won't even be on land! I'll be sailing the seven seas with a husband I haven't even seen"

Alora stared at her feet. She was sad. Celestiel had been a sister to her and a best friend. To think she would probably never see her hurt Alora.

And as if reading her mind, Celestiel looked at Alora and began to tear up. Alora was her best friend, someone who had looked at her and seen a person, a human being. She loved Celestiel even when her own family shunned her.

"I'll miss you so much, Alora...I don't know if I can do this without you", Celestiel choked back a sob as genuine fear slipped into her eyes. "Thankyou for being my friend"

Alora fought back her own tears as well and moved to hug the princess. "Don't thank me, your highness. It was my duty as your servant...and as your friend"

Celestiel seemed ready to keep hugging Alora there for eternity but the sounds of soft wedding music below brought both women back to the harsh reality of having to let each other go.

"It seems it is time...", Alora muttered, she placed an encouraging smile on her lips for Celestiel.

"It seems so"

Celestiel turned to look back at the mirror and Alora went to gently fluff her light brown, long hair.

"You look beautiful, Celestiel" Alora adoringly said, recieving a small smile from Celestiel in response. "If your mother was here, she would be proud"

Celestiel's hand instinctively went to the locket around her neck. It was golden and oval shaped and she hadn't taken it off since her mother had given it to her.

Alora escorted the princess out of the room and Celestiel met her father, waiting for her by the staircase. The wedding had already begun, judging from the organist's choice of song which meant they had been waiting for her.

"I don't have all day, Celestiel", the king spoke, a look of annoyance in his eyes. Celestiel looked down, how could he be so cold even on her wedding day? She walked towards him and when she was close enough, he stretched out his arm for her to take. Celestiel cast one last look at Alora before taking her father's arm. They both turned towards the stairwell and began strutting down.

"Don't forget your place, Celestiel, do not upset the pirate king in anyway" her father spoke to her and she nodded.

"I know"

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