Ok lets get real

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   Someone. Anyone. A persone. A living bieng.    That's all I wanted in my life just something to see to touch something that could help me... but all I got was silence. Not even shouting worked nor did whispering. The voices got more louder. But those things weren't human even thought they looked and felt like it. It. Isn't. Human. No matter how you look at it.

I couldn't move my body. Nor did I have a reason to, I was surrounded by nothingness I remember at one point I thought it was the void... but no it's just emptiness, emptiness that's slowly swallowing me hole. While my thoughts drown me with it.

I wish to be free. I don't wanna live...     
                     No more.

No one's POV:

The air was thin and the only sounds where just the rope that was hanging what was an innocent soul covered in blood from there own hands. The innocent soul went a dark path and now... there's no returning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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