The Rules of Interdimensional Tourism

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While it can be fun traveling through space and time without any destination, there are some rules that should be followed. In the unlikely event that there is anyone in the future who may go on a similar journey, here are the four rules I recommend:

Rule 1: The first and most important rule. Do. Not. Interfere. (Unless absolutely necessary). We are going back, forward, and in-between times. Everything has already been planned, please do not ruin that plan. Even if you are being rushed by a creature of writhing shadows or an elephant sized lobster, do not aim to kill because that could be the ancestor of that universe's greatest ruler.

Rule 2: On the topic of danger, don't just use your door to get away from it. We're on a journey for adventure, thrills, and discovery. What is the point of your adventure if you jump universes right when things get interesting?

Rule 3: Do not give your name. The rules of reality can be different in each universe, you have no idea if this universe has magic and you have just given a witch an easy route to cursing you.

Rule 4: Don't get attached, love and friendship is already an almost impossible task, try adding a universal culture difference on top of it.

With these rules in your tool-belt, you are now ready to be a responsible tourist! Safe travels, and enjoy The Outer Realms.

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