Chapter One: The new Peculiar

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I was in my room painting as usually when Claire came running in.


"Okay give me a minute" I said using my peculiarly to have the paint off me and in to my palet. I walked down the stairs with Claire and that where I saw Him. Enoch O'Conner. He use to be my best friend until one day he just started to be distant we don't talk as much. But I paid not attention to the fact he was starting to stare at me. I met with Emma and then I met Jacob.

"Hi I'm Jacob" he said."Hello Jacob, Im am Victoria, but you can call me Vicky" I said holding out my hand."I thought I heard Enoch call you Vinny" he said with a chuckle while shaking my hand. "That's Because Im The Only One Aloud To Call Her That" Enoch budded in. "Don't mind him" I said turning back to Jacob" I said. "You can call me Whatever you want" I said. "Well I'll call you V and you can call me jake for short" he said forming a smile on his face. "That's enough shaking his hand dont you think Vinny" Enoch point out and then walked down and pulled me away from Jake. He dragged my all the way up the stairs and to his room.

"Enoch O'Conner what is the meaning of all this" I questioned him as he was closing the door. "Do you fancy him?" He questioned back. "What" I asked confused. "Do you like him" He asked. "I will not answer that" I told him. "Oh so you do" he assumed. "Why do you even care Enoch, we aren't even as close as we were a long time ago, and your with Olive" I said and then left the room without him answering himself and because I heard dinner.

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