Chapter 3: A day of rest

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A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story! Now let's get this chapter started!!!!!

3rd pov

After an eventful day that Y/n, Suigintou and Hinaichigo had, when they fought HimaIchigo the dark counterpart of Hinaichigo. But now the three were given a day of rest, when neither Suigintou and Hinaichigo weren't sensing any disturbances or calls for help from their other sisters. Right now Y/n and the two dolls in his house were in his room to discuss, why Hinaichigo's counterpart retreated.

Suigintou: Now that we have Hinaichigo here with us, safe and sound along with having an encounter with her counterpart. Means that the other counterparts will be knowing of this, which marks a bigger target on us.

Y/n: True, but something caught my attention. Himaichigo looked like she wanted to continue the fight, but stopped for a moment.

Hina: Hina, also noticed too. But Hina is not sure why her evil self stopped.

Suigintou: hmm, good question... Even with me and Y/n working together as partners, we could have at least given Hima a run for her money, if not end her completely.

Y/n: If she was stopped so suddenly, could it be possible that your or one of your sisters counterparts are calling the shots?

This got both Suigintou and Hinaichigo thinking, both seem to agree that it could be possible that one of their counterparts is leading the others. But it's more difficult for them to guess which one is being the leader, since each of their sisters are strong in their own right.

Suigintou: That's hard to say, but I were to make a likely possible guess. I would think four of the counterparts that would be leading the others, one would be my counterpart. Then probably Shinku's counterpart, following up would be Barasuishou's counterpart even though she wasn't made by mine and my sister's father. She's still as powerful doll and finally Kirakishou, I could only shiver on what her counterpart's like.

Hina: Hina, agrees with Suigintou.

Y/n sighs, from what he just absorbed from Suigintou and Hinaichigo's answers, then looks to the clock in his room to see that it is noon. Which Y/n had yet to have lunch, getting up and stretching his body out a little with a relaxed sigh. Then turns to the two living dolls who, look at the young man curiously.

Y/n: Well, since we have a day to relax a little. Why don't I make some lunch for us, though do you girls eat food?

Hina: *cute smile* Yup!

Suigintou: If your asking if it's safe for us to eat human food, I'll put those thoughts to rest and say yes.

Y/n: Okay... But how does that work?

Suigintou: Simple, when we Rozen Maiden dolls consume food, it get turn into energy upon entering our bodies. It will replenish a small amount of energy, while we get most of our energy back from resting in our cases.

With that Y/n nods his head and leaves his room to make lunch for him and the two dolls, while the said two dolls follow the young man into the main room and head towards the couch. Hinaichigo remembering from her past, grabs the remote and turn on the TV to her favorite show, while Suigintou is unbothered by Hinaichigo's action and waits patiently for Y/n to make lunch for them.

-meanwhile at ??????-

In a place completely covered in darkness, with Himaichigo walking down the hallways donning a rather annoyed expression on her face. Ever since she was about to continue her fight with her counterpart, along with the silver haired doll that had a human companied her. But someone Himaichigo knows stopped her, which soured her mood to a great deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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