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Taehyung and Jungkook were trying to not let others at office know anything about them right now, but was the workers that blind? Ofcourse not. They all were noticing the clear changes in their sir V. The cold CEO was recently a lot cheery, lot good mood, and they noticed ofcourse that things started changing like this as V and Jack were getting familiar to eachother. Not just that, there were even moments when there was awkward situation between both, like V would be actually kinda goofy with Jack while alone but when anyone would come to them he would change his expressions 180 degrees. They had been noticing these from a time now and after the new year, V seemed to be more in happy mood.

Even now, nearly lunch time when Jack was in V's cabin reading some file while V was staring at him like a whipped dog. And a bunch of people were gawking at them.

"I'm telling you.. something is going on, which we don't know"
Amelie started first.

"Yea.. why would sir look at him like that"
Louis responded pretty immediately.

"Do you think they are dating or something?"
All turned their heads to the girl with glasses who looked way too excited while saying that. They again turned to the duo still confused when they heard footsteps from behind. They looked back to see Kiara coming.

"Hey, she can know something"
Amelie whispered and in an instant Kiara was blocked by them. She looked like a bunch of thieves just stood infront of her out of nowhere.

She said eyeing all them in confusion. Amelie looked back at V's cabin once and then pulled her to a side as everyone followed.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Shh.. tell us, what's going on?"


"What's-" another boy pointed towards V and Jack's direction, "-going on?" Kiara followed the direction.

"Uh.. Jack is reading a file.. and they.. are discussing something?"
They gave a really done face.

"Oh thanks, we were blind"
Louis scoffed.

"Aish, just tell me what?"

"We meant that what's going on between sir and Jack?"
Kiara now understood and she looked away from their eyes.

"Uh what about them?"

"That's what we're asking.. something is going on.. you see sir? He's never been this happy or cheerful before.. it's like the cold CEO is gone now and I feel like Jack is a reason for all this"
Kiara wanted to smile hearing that but she couldn't, she wasn't allowed to tell anything to anyone.

"You should know something Kiara"

"Uhm.. I.. don't know guys, look what you're saying can be true, but.. I don't think I can say something about this matter"

"You also don't know?"
They all pouted.

"Uh not actually.. but yea tell me one thing.. if there really comes out something, would you mind about them or-"

"Ofcourse not, they look really good together and I'm seeing sir from enough time now.. if Jack can make him happy like this then why would we have a problem?"
A woman said who had been in here from few years now.

"Yea, they really match if you look at them from shipping eyes"
Kiara smiled a bit.

"That's good, uh.. if there's something guys, I think you'll know soon, so don't worry about this.. go have lunch now and get back to work"
She dictated everyone and left with a smile.

"You guys really thought you can hide? After all Mr V is really obvious Kookie"
She thought before she knocked on the cabin.

"Come in"
When she entered Jungkook was putting the files back and was ready to leave.

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