lo'ak runs away (part one)

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Lo'ak got in a fight at school, a pretty bad one. Jake got called to the school to pick Lo'ak up. Lo'ak waited for Jake on possibly the most uncomfortable seat ever when suddenly Jake barged through the office door. He dragged lo'ak out of his seat by the wrist and to the office lady. He apologized to her and dragged lo'ak to his car. "What the hell? You got in a fight again?" Jake stated one of his long lectures "that poor boy, you always beat him up for no reason. What your excusefor that?" Jake asked. Lo'ak didn't want to answer in fear that he'd start crying while talking to him. "He was picking on he and Kiri and called us  freaks" Lo'ak managed to mutter out. "Bullshit! Stop lying. Your grounded for a month." Jake said as he pulled up in the driveway. "Go to your room now and no leaving unless I tell you to." Jake yelled pointing towards the house. Lo'ak grabbed his bag and hurried to his room practically crying already and plopped on his bed face first. He was just lying there when he got notification on his phone from Ao'nung and it read : heard you got sent home you dumb freak now I've been sent home as well. Lo'ak couldn't take it anymore he was continuously getting blamed, bullied, and yelled at by Jake. Lo'ak ran to the bathroom that's in his room and opened a draw holding a razor in it.
(TW some people may not like this part so if you don't like it skip this part)
|| Lo'ak pulled up his sleeves and grabbed the razor and started cutting himself with it. He felt worthless and he hated himself and everyone around him.  It was painful but he felt this was the only way he could feel any better. ||
Lo'ak pulled his sleeves back down leaving blood on the floor. Lo'ak grabbed his bag and put on a hoodie and put his razor in it as well. Lo'ak slipped out of his window and put his hood on. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and navigated to the nearest bus stop. He waited for the first bus to the city and hopped into it.

Meanwhile with neteyam and kiri. Neteyam had his own car so he usually picked up kiri and Lo'ak but Lo'ak was sent home so now he just had to pick up Kiri and Tuk from elementary school. He waited patiently for kiri outside the school when he spotted her looking down at her phone while exiting the school. Neteyam waved and smiled at kiri and Kiri spotted Neteyam and waved back. "Lo'ak got sent home so now we just have to pick Tuk up" Neteyam said. "I know he got sent home because Ao'nung was picking on me" Kiri said looking at the ground. "Hey it's not your fault Lo'ak is a dumb ass who thinks violence is the answer" Neteyam said trying to cheer kiri up and it worked because she left out a small scoff. Neteyam and kiri drove away to Tuks elementary school. They saw Tuk and she ran up to them and hugged Neteyam first then kiri. "Where is Lo'ak?" Tuk asked peeking into the car looking for him. "He got sent home again " kiri answered her. "Again?" Tuk asked . Neteyam just nodded and they hopped into the car and drove home. Tuk just ran inside straight to her iPad, saying hi to Jake on the couch while she ran past him.  Neteyam and kiri walked in together to see Jake  scrolling through Netflix. "Where is Lo'ak?" Neteyam asked Jake. " in his room " Jake responded not even looking at him. Neteyam and kiri walked to Lo'ak's room and knocked on the door "Lo'ak we're home" Neteyam said but there was no response. Neteyam knocked again but there was no response again. Kiri opened the door but no one was in it. At first they were confused and then they were concerned. They started searching for any sign of lo'ak when kiri decided to search his bathroom. Kiri walked in  and screamed. Neteyam rush in immediately to see was happend. " oh my gosh" Neteyam said covering his mouth. "What happened?" Kiri asked. "I'm not sure, kiri go tell Jake, I'll text Lo'ak, i think he ran away because his hoodie isn't here either" he instructed kiri. Neteyam texted Lo'ak and kiri ran in the living room straight up to Jake which obviously made him look up at kir. "Dad I think lo'ak ran away come help us!" Kiri almost yelled. "Calm down he's probably just upset" Jake said like it wasn't a big deal. "But there is blood in his bathroom!" Kiri yelled now getting Jake's attention. Jake rushed to Lo'aks room as quickly as possible. "Neteyam where is the blood" Jake said barging through the door. Neteyam pointed to the bathroom and followed him in the bathroom. Jake saw the blood and the first thing he thought was how did it get there. Jake checked his drawers are saw that his razor was missing. Jake's heart dropped. "Neteyam go drive around and look for lo'ak, kiri called your mother and stay home with tuk" Jake ordered them to do. Kiri immediately called neytiri to tell her what happened and she said she was on her way.

Meanwhile with lo'ak:
the bus stopped at the city and he left the bus. It was then when he realized he didn't know where was or what he was doing.he got a notification from his phone and quickly checked it to see a text from Neteyam. He didn't read because he didn't want to get upset. In the middle of the city. He had only five thousand dollars from old birthday money he got from family so he managed to use some of it at a cheap motel to get a room to stay in. He got his keys and made his way to His room.

Part 2?
Also if you read the whole thing thank you

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