Farewell, Livi.

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Felix is a tank engine. Who lives at Donovan's Gate Workshop in the City of PeterTown? He was a friendly-looking tank engine. With the Crotoonian Engines helping along the railway, Felix agreed to help out with them. It was a lot of work. But at least some innovations were taken care of. Tillie took the Grain Train to meet up with Matthew the Diesel Locomotive.

Tillie: Here are your freight cars.

Matthew: Thanks, mate.

Tillie: And thank you for helping, Big Tim and Ivor.

Big Tim: You're welcome!

Ivor: I'm just happy I can help.

Casey Jr took the Circus Train to Gawler.

Casey Jr: Gawler Show, here we come.[Sniffs the air] Aaaah, just like the good old times.

Toots prepared a train for Tootle.

Tootle: Are you ready, Katie?

Katie: I sure am!

Percy Spencer was drinking a can of beer on the station platform.

Stationmaster: Erm, excuse me. You have to move along sir.

Percy: You can't tell me what to do! Now leave me alone. [Walks away with a plastered arm and a plastered knee]

The Stationmaster waved as Jason chuffed along with his Goods Train. Ellie pushed behind. Felix was helping out with Tracy and Emma at the Harbour.

Felix: Watch this. [His left arm shoves a truck away. It bumps into another truck]

Truck: Ow! Why does this keep happening to us?

Tracy and Emma watched in amazement.

Tracy: Wow! That's very talented!

Emma: I wish I have Robotic Arms.

Felix: I know. With these Bionic Arms, I have a very powerful skill of lifting myself off the rails. [His arms lift him off the rails. Tracy and Emma were amazed once more.] See? Pretty neat, isn't it?

Tracy: It sure is!

But on the other side of the other track. There was Livi, alone at the dock. 

[Livi looks to the ground and sighs. Then, she could see the ferry arriving. A tear drained out of her eye]

Livi: I can't do this, anymore.

The Ferry stopped.

Voice: Excuse me?

Livi: What?!

Carter: Where are you going?

Livi: I'm going home! I can't stay another night in this overwhelming railway.

Carter knew he couldn't do anything about it. So he went to find Felix. Felix was moving his arms to play with the ball.

Tracy: Wow!

Emma: Amazing!

Felix: He shoots! He scores! [Throws it into the hoop. Some workmen and staff members cheered and clapped their hands] Thank you. Thank you everyone. Such an honorable pleasure.

Carter: I didn't know you can play dodgeball.

Felix: Carter??? Where did you come from?

Carter: Oh, I forgot to tell you. Livi is boarding into the ferry to take her back to Crotoonia.

Felix: WHAT???

Felix started speeding out of the siding.

Tracy: Huh?

Emma: What's going on?

Livi sighed deeply as she boarded into the ferry. Then, she heard a whistle.

Felix: LIVI! WAIT!

Livi: What do you want?

Felix: [Pant] [Pant] Livi! You can't go just yet! These engines hadn't even done their resume yet!

Livi: Who cares! [Sniff] I just want to go home.

Felix: Ah, I get it now. You're better off living at that railway, aren't you.

Livi was trying very hard not to cry.

Livi: I do.

Felix hugged Livi.

Felix: It's okay.

Ferry: Look, can we just get this over with?

Felix: Stay out of this!

Livi: [Sniff] I'm going home now. It's been nice knowing you.

Felix: Yeah, I'm a good friend now that I am new here.

Livi: Okay, I get it. At least we are friends. But only for a while.

Felix: Yep. And maybe someday. I would like to come along to Crotoonia with you.

Livi: Gee, I don't know. But that would be nice.

Felix: Goodbye, Livi.

Livi: Bye, Felix.

Felix chuffed away as Livi was settled in the Ferry. Felix watched, as the Ferry blew its horn, and then floated away.

Felix: Good speed.

Ned: [In tears] Wow. That was sad. Hey, who left a bowl of onions here?

Odd Man: Buy them! They're only 8 dollars and Eighty Nine Cents!

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