Hijacking the Train

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Meanwhile at the PeterTown Trainyards...

Tillie: I can't believe that Livi is gone.

Jordan: Of course, she's gone. That's a part of life, you know.

Casey Jr: Well, jeez. She sure was stubborn at the time. But still, at least she'll be taking a much-needed break back at home.

Thomas: Yes, I know. I'm sorry to hear that. But we still need to get back to work. Because it's unlikely that bad things can happen.

Kevin saw the commotion. He had an idea.

Allan: That's right, boy! Hijack 'em! How ####ed up would that be?

Kevin said: When you speed a train, it doubles their pain.

Cooper: I like the spirit of ya, mate! Do a good job to get rid of these pesky talking trains!

[Kevin puts his hand to his head]

Later that day, the trio walked out of the controller's office.

Dumby: Yeah, I know it's quite hard losing a fine job.

Dustyz: But at least he gave us some credit. How about you, Clanky? Are you cool with it?

Clanky: Couldn't recall. I'm just a robot.

Dustyz: Speaking of which. This calls for a celebration.

Dumby: That's right, Clanky. With you being a specialty of being a new character, you are invited to the Buffet Restaurant located across the road at Highton.

Dustyz: And we'll even invite Krystal and her train mates too.

Clanky: Really? For me? Thank you, guys! It's such a beautiful opportunity!

Dumby: It is, too.

Meanwhile, Kevin was sneaking his way to the Railway Yards. He was being very cautious so he wouldn't be spotted. Then, he could see a train coming.

Tootle: Thank you Jason and Toots for helping me out back at the trainyards in North West.

Jason: It sure has been a pleasure.

Toots: Of course it has been. Sure has been rough with Livi gone. But still, we can get plenty of work done on time.

Tootle: Right. I'm going to take a 15 Minute break. Then, I'm off to take another Goods Train to the West.

Jason: And I'm meeting up with the Tiny Trains at the Murlsdale Miniature Railway.

Toots: Sounds good to me. See you later, then.

And Tootle and Jason chuffed away.

Driver: Okay, Toots. I'm just going to get some coffee over by the kiosk over there. I won't be long.

Toots: Will do.

Toots waited as his driver left. Kevin found his target. He was about to receive a ticket for his secondary train ride.

Allan: All aboard! Looks like somebody has been in for some masses to inquire your messes.

Kevin couldn't comprehend why he was a nice guy after all. But furthermore, he likes to get back on his feet by doing what he mostly likes doing the most. Even smoking. He clambered his way to the platform. Then he walked towards Toots' Cab.

"Looks like this isn't the first time I rode on a train like this freak." Thought Kevin.

He pushed the throttle and pulled the lever. Toots' wheels started to move.

Toots: That's weird. The platform is moving. No, hang on a sec, that's my wheels moving!

Conductor: So, my father stood up and told me, 'Where are you going with that stash!' I said I was just going to buy some stuff. But my father said, 'Bullcrap!'

Driver: Wow. That's really harsh about your past. But that really takes the cake.

Conductor: Uhh, isn't that your train moving?

Driver: [Spits out his hot drink] WHAT???

The driver ran and saw that Toots was leaving the station.

Toots: Help! I can't stop!

Driver: AAAAGH! This is terrible!!

"Hello!" Said Kevin. "I'm stealing your train!"

Driver: Oy, get back here you rascal!!!

But Toots was already leaving the station.

Driver: Oh, that's it. [Picks up his phone and dials]

Toots chuffed down the trucks uncontrollably.

Toots: Help! Somebody help me!

He chuffed past Donald and Douglas hauling a heavy load.

Donald: Ay, what is going over here?

Douglas: Use your brakes!

Toots: I can't! Some lunatic is hijacking me!

Donald: What?

Douglas: Again?

Meanwhile, Dustyz rang the bell.

Butler: May I help you fine gentlemen.

Dustyz: Yes, we're just going to take table number 16 that's by the windows.

Butler: Affirmative. Please be seated.

The boys sat down on the leather seats along with Clanky.

Clanky: This is fantastic! I've never been to any place like this before!

Robert: The best part is, they offer you lots of napkins!

Dumby: Alright, settle down. Now we just have to wait until Krystal and her friends get here.

Clanky: Oohh, can't wait to meet up with them.

Dustyz: Soo, Clanky. What kind of food do you like to eat?

Clanky: Oh, I'm a robot. I don't usually eat food like a hog.

Robert: Umm, okay.

Sunsy: What else do you do?

Clanky: Oh, I love playing instruments and making up my own tunes. Hey, listen to this one. I play this on the harmonica, sometimes. [Blows her Trumpet]

The boys held their ears.

Dustyz: Aaah!

Dumby: So loud!

Sunsy: My ears are melting!!!

Robert: Aaah, music to my ears.

[Dumby points at the trumpet to stop that noise]

Dumby: Okay, that's enough. You're disturbing the customers.

Clanky: Oh, sorry. I guess that wasn't good enough. Meh, I guess I'll practice later.

Dustyz: Ah, yes. The waiter's coming.

Waiter: Hello. What would you like to be serving this afternoon?

Clanky: Um, yes. Excuse me, do you have any oil?

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