Wined and Dined

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Meanwhile, Felix was grabbing some objects and putting them on the trucks.

Felix: Here we go. All arranged.

Tillie: Thanks, Felix. I best be on my way now. Not much longer until we get to go home.

Felix: I'll keep that in mind. [He checks his watch] Welp, time to go the yards.

And so, Felix chuffed his way towards the junction. He was running easily with the wind blowing against him. Then, he heard a whistle.

Felix: Huh? What's that noise?

Toots: Help! Help!

Kevin said: Shut up and stop screaming! We're going to the Liquor Store.

Felix saw the situation.

Felix: I've got to stop him!

Felix chuffed along the rails as fast as he could. [His arms looked like he was running] Toots raced past the level crossing. Felix raced past.

Felix: I'm coming, Toots!

Felix chased after Toots with all his might. At last, he reached up to him.

"Oh, hello." Said Kevin. He threw a crowbar at him.

Felix: [Grabs the crowbar] Gotcha! Now, you shouldn't even be playing with these, kid? [A lump of coal hits his head] Ow!

Kevin said: You'll never take me alive!

Kevin pulled the lever and Toots chuffed quickly away from Felix.

Felix: Oh dear. What now? [He looks at something. It was a Y switch which allows him to reverse]


Dumby: Fellas, I like you to meet our new ally, Clanky!

[Krystal blows her whistle while Trixie and Chloe cheer while Steven, Max, Aaron and Timmy clap their hands]

Aaron: Nice to meet you.

Steve: It sure is a great pleasure.

Krystal: Let me be a good partner and shake your hand.

Clanky: How can I shake your hand?

Krystal: With my front wheels of course.

Clanky: Right! [Handshakes her wheel]

Tim: Mind if we can sit down, now?

Robert: Sure! There's enough room for the six of you.

The other allies sat down at the big dining seat. It was silent.

Dustyz: Oh. Uh, so what do you guys like to serve? You know, drink something? Eating something?

Chloe: Maybe I'll just have slices of Garlic Bread. With Hot Chocolate.

Krystal: Ooh, I can try some of that Smoked Salmon.

Trixie: And I can have some Cocktail shrimp. We three can also share a Shahi Mixture.

Clanky: Huh?

Dumby: They have a good friendship with each other.

Sunsy: Hey, we have good friendships too!

Dumby: You think?

Clanky: Wow, these folks make a genetically Chaotic and Comical Couple between each other.

Tim: Hey, Steven. How much is this Cheesy Bacon Lasagna?

Steve: Eleven Dollars.

Tim: Yes!

Aaron: Time for me to get the delicious Chicken Schnitzel.

Steve: Yeah, and I'll take the Chicken Parmi.

Dumby: Guys, we have to wait until the waiter gets here.

Sunsy: I think he's here already.

Dumby: {Smart Ass}

Butler: Very well, we will serve you right away. Please enjoy your afternoon.

Clanky: We will!

Toots was out on the rails uncontrollably fast.

Toots: What are you doing? Tell me this instant!

Kevin told the Locomotive Monster to shut up so he can get to his destination.

Toots: What destination?

Kevin said: To the liquor store, no doubt.

Then, Toots looked at the rails.

Toots: Oh no! I can't be derailed. I got to go home soon.

Kevin said: Well, it looks like you're heading towards your new home, now.

Toots: Would somebody save me?!

Then, Felix blew his whistle. He raced past Toots and the points diverted him onto the opposite line. (Where Toots is)

Felix: Don't worry, Toots. I'm here to save you.

Toots: Thank heavens! I thought it was the end.

"Not for me." Said Kevin. And he pulled the lever to Max Speed.

Felix: Hang on, Toots! I got you!

Felix grabbed onto Toots by the arms. The two engines rolled down the hill.

Allan: Those two pathetic vehicles! Nobody gets along better than they do.

Kevin couldn't help but agree. He crouched and started to take cover. Felix flew down the hill and braked with all of his might. There was another section of points that sends the two running engines into a siding. It headed straight towards a building.

Dumby: Guys, this Buffet Dine has really bought us together.

Clanky: In fact, let me leave this one secret.


Rubble lay everywhere. Felix and Toots crashed into the Buffet Restuarant. Everyone started to leave.

Lady: Ew, what garbage.

Man: Well, what do you expect. Their trains.

Dumby: What on earth's going on???

Clanky: There's been a crash.

Chloe: Where?

Robert: Over by that other dining seat next to us.

[A scene shows Felix slightly damaged while Toots was somehow safe. There's also two dead corpses]

Felix: Are you alright, Toots?

Toots: I'm fine. How about you.

Felix: Not exactly. My body feels dented. Oh no! I think I damaged one of my arms!

Toots: Oh, that's not good.

Dustyz: Come on, guys. We should go.

Sunsy: But I haven't even finished yet.

Dumby: Uuhh, guys. I think we have to go.

Clanky: Can I play my harmonica?

[From the bushes]

Allan: Here we are, boy. We've arrived to our destination.

[He and Kevin looked at the Liquor Store]

Allan: Looks beautiful, doesn't it?

Kevin said: Let's buy everything we find.

Narrator: Seriously, where did you get the money from? Looks like it was stolen like taking candy from a baby.

Allan: Kevin, threaten him with a crowbar so he'll screw off.

"Okay." Said Kevin. [He held a crowbar in his hand]

Narrator: Oh, uhh, excuse me. I'm off for a coffee break. [Sprints away] 

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