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I took deep breaths to calm myself down, standing in front of the door.

It's now or never.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" his voice replied, rather calmly.

"Ms. Kim, Good morning. Please take a seat." the bald man greeted me and straightened his gaze towards me as he gestured towards the seat in front of him.

I hesitantly bowed and sat in front of him.

"What's the matter?" I asked as pure confusion took over my brain

"Well," he sighed and he kept his head down, not sparing a single glance at me for some seconds before he finally returned looking at me

"You have worked extremely hard and you took dreams and brought them to reality. You implemented a lot of change in this company and put your career before your own self. Ms. Kim, you-"

"Are" I interrupted him and stopped talking for a mere second "Are you" I repeated and I finally got the courage to speak it out loud "Sir, are you firing me?" I asked expecting a 'no, of course not!' But reality hit me hard. Why is it that reality is always bitter than your expectations?

"Unfortunately, yes" he sighed and took off his glasses before speaking again "but it is not because of you, infact you did everything right. I just fire all employees after they have worked for over 4 years in the of-"

"Sir, I will work harder, I will become better and I will succeed in everything you tell me to do from now on but all you need to do is keep me working in the office for a few more years." I pleaded.

He sighed as he massaged his forehead and looked back at me again "I'm sorry, I already hired a replacement for you, as I was saying I fire all my employees after they have worked for a total of 4 years in the company."

My heart dropped.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had nowhere else to work.

"Please just give me another chance" I quietly pleaded again

"I appologize from the bottom of my heart," he replied

"Sir b-" I was the one who got interrupted by him this time

"Ms. Kim, please take your salary from me tomorrow" he said

Finally tears rolled up my cheeks and my stomach was in knots.

"You can take your leave now" he told me turning his gaze over some of the papers he had kept on his table

I silently nodded and made my way out of the office.

"So, y/- y/n!?" Valerie ran towards me after she saw me coming out of his office

My vision became blur and I felt Valerie wrap her arms around me and I trembled back because of the sudden reaction

"Val" I cried, still in shock

"Don't worry, I'm here now" she whispered as she tightened her grip


"So he just fired you like that?" Val asked snapping her fingers

"Mhm" I licked off the icecream as I sat cross-legged on her bed and sniffled.

"Unprofessional ass" she said

I chuckled and she smiled warmly "well now that you are not working for his company anymore, you should take a vacation or something" she said licking her ice cream

"And who will pay the bills, rent, fo-"

"Okay okay, I get it" she said dragging the first two words.

My Boss Next Door-pjm-ffWhere stories live. Discover now