CHAPTER 1- The Consultant

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             'Fuck you, fuck you very very much'


DR ALEXANDRA PEREZ was a fantastic public speaker, she could captivate a crowd with a few simple words and was able to hold their attention for hours. This is what led her to become a professor after all. With 3 PhD's under her belt, an IQ of 189 and a BA in neurophyschology one would think that she was a lot older than what she really is, at 23 years old she was one of the brightest minds that had ever graced the halls of George Mason University, Virginia.

She stood in front of her class of 36, her arms folded under her bust and exuding an air of confidence. The light cream sleeves of her blazer were folded neatly and tucked just at the crook of her elbows, a white satin blouse tucked precariously into a pair of faded blue jeans and a pair of cream heeled ankle booties adorning her feet. Her brown-almost black hair fell in gentle curls across her shoulders and down to the small of her back, a thin pair of gold wire framed spectacles sitting on the bridge of her nose as she peered out at the enthralled faces of her students.

"Understanding the brain of a psychopath is no easy feat," she said in a kind, but authoritative tone. "We will never truly know what drives someone to commit such an act like murder, but we can try to understand it. Was it an urge this person felt their entire lives? Was it an abusive family or a strained home life that led to it? Or are we all just born inherently evil? What would it take for someone to snap, for their psyche to be so damaged that they would commit a crime as heinous as this?"  She took a breath before turning and strolling to the opposite end of the classroom.

"People speculate that the reason Dahmer became what he did was because of his mother's mental illness and subsequent abandonment, but yet in interviews done with the FBI he revealed that he was unsure why he started to kill. He said that he felt those urges since he was a young boy dissecting road kill just for the thrill of it. Did his upbringing lead him down that path?"

"These are the questions I leave you with today ladies and gentlemen, for our next class I would like you each to have a thought out argument on this subject, nature versus nurture, what caused one of the most prolific serial killers of our era to do what he did?" Alexandra glanced at the watch sitting daintily on her wrist. Moments later a shrill bell rung out, causing the students to start putting their supplies away.

"Thank you all for listening so well, class dismissed. See you all on Thursday!" She walked back over to her desk, shuffling her paperwork into a neat pile and grabbing her brown satchel bag from her chair. The students started filing out of the room chattering excitedly to one another.

"Professor?" A timid voice came from beside her, Alexandra raised her head toward the petite blonde before her, she was a tiny little thing barely out of her teens, all wispy hair and big blue childlike eyes staring at her intently. "Ms Jenkins, is everything okay?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your lecture today, but I think I'm gonna have to drop this class."

"Oh? Are you having trouble with the course work? I'd be happy to see you in my office hours and help you."

"No Professor, it's not the work that's troubling me." The girl trailed off her eyes flickering downwards, she pulled her lip between her teeth nervously. "I-well-I've been having some very disturbing dreams and I don't think this class is helping, all this talk of murderers and people just snapping-I," she cut off taking a deep breath, "I just feel like it's stressing me out and-."

"That's no problem at all," Alexandra cut off the young girl, she smiled at her politely "if you feel as though it is too much for you to handle right now, then that's fine. I will say I'll be sorry to see such a bright girl as yourself walk away from this course. You've been an exemplary student thus far, I think you have a real knack for psychology."

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