chapter 2 - 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Giyuu and Sabito wake up
"Good morning Giyuu!","Goodmorning Sabito."
The door opens
"Are you two already awake? It's only 8 a.m. also,usually, Sabito, you wake up late,what brings you to wake up early today?" asked Urokodaki while entering the boys' room.
"I don't know.. maybe it's because yesterday I went to bed earlier than usual" Sabito replied.
"Well, what would you like to eat for breakfast?"
Asked Urokodaki "Miso soup!!" answered Sabito and Giyu, "And I'll cook" said Sabito "Do you know how to cook? I never learned! My sister always cooked for me and we used to have breakfast together!" replied Giyu.
[After breakfast]
"Yum!! Sabito,the breakfast was perfect!! If there was more food cooked by you I'd eat everything"
said Giyuu, Sabito blushes for the embarrassment "T-thank you Giyuu-!!" Replied while smiling, "I never received a compliment for the food I cook" thought Sabito.
[After breakfast]
"You two should already start training" said Urokodaki, "Training? For what?" Asked Giyuu confused, "For become a demon slayer" answered Sabito to Giyuu's question, "Oh.. can you explain me what are demons?" Asked Giyuu again "Demons are goofy ah- i mean creatures that eat humans, they burn and die to the Sunlight" answered Sabito to the 104 Giyuu's question🥺 (also,best explanation ever🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥🔥).

[Random flashback starts😻‼️]

Giyu and Tsutako eating pizza (PIZZA PASTA MAMMAMIA!!🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🍕🍕🍝🍝🍝🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹‼️‼️‼️‼️)
So italian core🥺💖

Giyu and Tsutako eating dinner together
"I love salmon daikon cooked by you, nee-san♡♡!!"  (I was almost writing "cocked" but that's okay) said Giyuu, "I'm happy to hear that!" Said Tsutako.
Noises from the door
"Nee-san, what was that noise?" Asked Giyuu (bro pls stop asking question) "I don't have idea...I never heard noises like that one" Replied Tsutako while getting a bit worried.."Maybe it seems a dumb idea but go to hide maybe it can be someone dangerous" told Tsutako to Giyuu "And you? What about you nee-san?" Asked Giyuu "Don't worry about me,go hide." Told Tsutako and Giyuu went to hide while Tsutako was going to answer the door.
Tsutako couldn't even answer the door,someone was already inside the house, who could've it be?
"The door is open, how it is possible..?" Thought Tsutako.
Someone was behind her.
Screaming noises
"I heard someone scream... w-what if something my sister...?"though Giyuu in his hiding spot, "Should I stay here..? Maybe i can die if there's a murderer outside... but nee-san..? What about her..? I don't know what to do, maybe if i get out from here she'll be mad or worse... she'll be disappointed" though Giyuu while starting crying..
"I need to stop crying, I'm not a kid anymore and nee-san is okay,i hope.." he thought while drying his tears.
[Some hours passed and Giyuu fell asleep]
Giyuu wakes up
"Fuck I fell asleep, I'm an idiot" Giyuu thought while getting out of his hiding spot to see what happened.
"Nee-san..?" He said.

Tsutako was dead on the floor.
Giyuu started crying while feeling something in his stomach,he didn't know what he felt,he felt something empty.
But it wasn't in his stomach but in his heart.
His heart became empty without his sister,they were living together since Giyuu was 6,when they lose their family cause of illness.
He didn't say a word, he couldn't say anything,he felt empty and guilty but mostly...alone.
They were eating happily together and now there's only him.

[Random flashback finish😻‼️]

"Oh...that's what are demons..?" Said Giyuu (it was like a "confirm" of the question,it is usually used in my country, it is like "for real?" I mean not actually that, I don't know how to explain the meaning,sorry) "Yes,have you understood Giy-" Giyuu started sobbing before Sabito could finish the sentence, "Giyuu.. did I say something wrong..? Please tell me" told Sabito, "No.. I'm sorry... it is sister, I think i know how she died..I'm sorry again.." Giyu said while drying his tears, "Oh,I'm sorry for reminding you of your sister.." said Sabito, "don't worry,atleast i understood the cause of my sister's death..".
[After a moment]
PS. Sabito in this moment consoled
In the first chapter i wrote Sabito saying that demons are afraid of the wisteria, Giyuu was a bit sleepy in that moment (they went to bed after this conversation) and didn't listened what Sabito said he was like "yes yes ok sure" like ok Sabito i understood what you said I'm listening of course I'm not half asleep, and in this chapter Giyuu understood what demons are and there was a bit of his backstory,also I'm very sorry for not have wrote that much about the training,i had not that much of ideas for it (the others chapters will be more interesting because i have more ideas for when they are teenagers i mean i have clearer ideas from when they're 15 to like 21 or more and not when they are this age.
Thank you for reading♡.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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