You're Hurt

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Excitement. That's all you could feel throughout your body. The nerves were hidden away at the moment but they were still there. You had been waiting for this moment your whole life. Both your father and grandfather fought for the dark side. Growing up you basically idolised everyone in what is now known as the First Order. You made it your mission to one day fight alongside the First Order and now that you were finally old enough your training could start.

To your advantage your father had actually been training you before you could join the dark side as one of their stormtroopers and due to this you did have basic training in many areas but the one thing you couldn't get your grip around was flying the aircrafts. That's actually a slight lie. You could take off, fly it but you always seem to struggle landing the aircraft back down without worrying that you were going to damage something and you really didn't want to get in trouble for damaging these expensive aircrafts.

Today though you were finally going out on your first expedition with Captain Phasma and her troopers to get some more experience with flying the aircrafts. You were nervous because you have always looked up to Captain Phasma. When you learned that Captain Phasma was a female and she was the Captain of the First Order you lost your mind. You just couldn't believe that she could get to that position considering most of these higher positions were done by men. You looked up to Phasma and you are making it your mission to get to where she is one day.

You were currently in your quarters getting yourself ready for the expedition. You put your white armour on followed by your helmet before leaving your quarters to find Captain Phasma and the rest of her troopers. You made your way to the runways where your aircraft was waiting for you. You could see her troopers but couldn't see her so you lined up near them waiting for the captain to arrive to tell you what you would be doing today. Standing in line you kept to yourself just listening to the men around you and their conversations.

"Who is the newbie?" one of the troopers asked the other while pointing at you. "I haven't a clue. Hey new kid, what are you doing in Phasma's division?" He asked walking over to you. "Oh I haven't joined Captain Phasma's division officially. I'm here to join you on the expedition to gain some more experience" you said with a beaming smile even though you knew they couldn't see it with your helmet on. "Well don't fuck up new kid. Captain doesn't like mistakes and she will make sure you won't forget it if you do" he said laughing before getting back in line when he saw Captain Phasma walking in your direction to speak to her troops. You finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. It's fine. All will be fine. Just don't fuck up!

Phasma stood in front of you all towering over all her men explaining the focus of the expedition. "Ok troopers the plan for this expedition is to head out to one of the planets that is being controlled by the first order. On land there will be tasks I want you all to complete. Follow the clues and they will lead you to the next task. As you may be aware we have a new trooper on the team today. This is y/n she is coming with us on the expedition today to gain some more experience with her flying. When we arrive at our destination she will be coming with me while you finish your tasks. Now get to your ships and get ready to leave" she commanded before turning on her heels and walking to one of the bigger ships.

You walked in the direction of the ships finding the aircraft that you were assigned to fly. After about five minutes of looking you finally found your aircraft. You were flying a tie fighter. This would be interesting as you have only flown this aircraft once before and last time you tried to land this type of aircraft, well let's just say it didn't end well. Your aircraft was at the back of the flock of ships which was fine with you as you would be out the way. You started up the aircraft and got ready to start your journey to this planet you would be going to. You watch in the distance as the ships at the front of the flock start to take off waiting patiently for your turn to do the same. Before you knew it you had taken off and were heading out into the deep dark void following the rest of the flock keeping a safe distance in case anything were to go wrong.

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