Part 2

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It's been three days since your incident with the stormtroopers. You have spent this time in Phasma's personal quarters. You were in no fit condition to be doing anything so she made up the couch so she could sleep on it so you could take the bed. You protested but she wasn't having any of it so you eventually gave in and allowed her to take the couch even though you offered to take it for yourself.

The swelling on your face finally has gone down thanks to the ice packs Phasma kept making you apply to your face. You were thankful though because it would've taken a lot longer for the swelling to go if you hadn't. The bruising and the cuts were still evident though and you didn't look presentable without your helmet. As you had been cooped up in her quarters for the last few days you decided to have a little nose around and managed to find the user manuals for all the aircrafts in the fleet. You found the one for the tie fighter and since then you had been studying that manual as if your life depended on it. It was important to you that you found the error to your ways and make sure you knew what you needed to do for next time. You were also quite lucky that you had Phasma there with you because at the end of each day you would always get her to quiz you on what you had been studying.

She was very impressed at your determination to improve and almost 9 times out of 10 you would get all the answers right. Today was another day and you were back at it again with studying. Phasma was currently in her quarters with you getting ready to go out with her troops. You were in the same position she found you every morning, in the armchair with a coffee in one hand and the manual in the other with your glasses perched on the bridge of your nose. "Why don't you have a break from studying young one? You have been studying for the last few days, you need to have a rest" she said, bringing herself over to you trying to take the manual out of your hand. "No, I need to finish studying. I have to make sure I know everything otherwise I will make a mistake" you protested bringing the manual back closer to you. "You have been studying everyday since the incident. You have done amazing with your little quizzes I've been giving you. You've done amazing. I think you deserve a little break" she said standing to full attention getting ready to leave "don't work yourself too much. Get some rest. I will see you later this evening" she said, grabbing her stuff and heading out of her quarters.

As for you, you kept going over your manual until eventually you started to feel a slight throbbing pain in your head. Great. Just what you need. A headache was not what you needed right now. You decided to listen to Phasma and actually try and get some sleep. You placed the manual on the table along with your glasses before getting up and going into the bedroom. You curled up in bed getting comfy before drifting into dreamland.

You were back in your tie fighter back in the depths of space. Gazing around the cockpit making sure everything was in order before going into land. You looked ahead and could see the ships at the front of the fleet were beginning their descent. You took one final look at the dark void that surrounded you before grabbing your controls and started your descent down to the planet in front. Just don't mess it up this time. You have studied well! You can do this. All was going well. So far no errors and you were finally near enough to the ground that all you had to do was land and all would be ok.

You felt the aircraft touch down on the ground all safe and sound. You did it. You finally did it. You landed the tie tighter without anything going wrong. You turned the aircraft off and at the switch of a button the whole aircraft collapsed around you which left you sitting in the cockpit's chair surrounded by the parts of the tie fighter. You looked around in shock. "I don't understand how this happened," you muttered to yourself. When you looked back up you were surrounded by stormtroopers. "What the fuck did you do?" One of the men shouted out. "I don't know. It was fine. The landing was perfect. I didn't do anything. I turned the aircraft off and the whole thing just fell apart like it had been stuck together by glue" you said to anyone that would listen as you jumped out of what was left of your aircraft.

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