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•See you again•

•See you again•

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Home Sweet Home. Stepping off the boat onto Kerch soil had been calming, as if something had settled in Celeste. "Straight off the boat from Ravka and no one was waiting to kill us as soon as we arrived." Jesper remarked, smiling at Celeste, "What do you say Este, up for a little dice and debauchery?"
"No debauchery." Kaz replied, and Celeste frowned at him, "Just dice then?"
"No dice. We have stops to make."
"What's first, Tante Heleen?"
"We get to the Crow Club." Kaz answered swiftly, returning to a steady walking pace.

Returning to the Crow club, or the Kaelish Prince as it was now known, was not the warm welcome she was hoping for. Really, all Celeste had actually hoped for was to return to her room, take a long bath and hibernate for about a year. "Where's our sign?"
"Its been replaced."
"The Kaelish Prince? What sort of name is that?" Jesper looked at Kaz confused, hoping he would spread some light on the situation, but all he did was stare at the Crow club, as if waiting for some miracle to occur. "Pekka Rollins owns the Crow Club? Where does that leave us!" Inej asked, eyes cast to the glaring sign. Jesper suddenly turned to the group, face twisted in a pained expression, "My suits! My hats!"
"The least of our worries Jes!" Celeste hit him on the arm, and was about to make another comment when a whistle pierced her ears. A member of the Stadwatch stood in front of the four- no, correction: three- Crows, "Halt! You three, hands up! Kaz brekker. Jesper Fahey and Celeste Kirigan. Only a matter of time before you turned up."
"Is there a problem?" Celeste asked politely, hands itching to control the shadows around her.
"For you? Yeah. You're wanted for murder."
"What? We just got back in town!" Jesper protested, "Unless its a crime to kill Volcra now."
"Very funny gunslinger. Now, slowly, hand over those shooters. And you, give up the cane. And you, siren, I don't know what weaponry you use but try any funny business and you'll be sent straight back to Ravka... Where they can deal with you." The Commander spat, staring at the three in-front of him. He placed the handcuffs around their wrists, roughly leading them towards a packed carriage. "Off to hellgate to await trial."

Celeste couldn't help but cast nervous glances to Kaz every few seconds as his head dipped in his hands. She wasn't a heartrender but she was almost certain it was his heart she could hear thudding over the rattle of the carriage, and Jesper's anxious rambling. She'd finally had enough of watching Kaz suffer, so she gently attempted to get him to engage with her, "Boss." No answer. "Kaz." Still, no response. Jesper had stopped rambling and began to pound on the walls of the carriage, attempting to gain the attention of the Commander, "Hey, stop this carriage right now!" Somehow, it worked, and Celeste gazed in awe at the metal doors as they swung open.
"You three. Out." The commander barked, tugging on their handcuffs in an attempt to move them along faster, "Someones paid good kruge to spend some time alone with you three." Celeste looked between Kaz and Jesper, and was unsurprised to see neither of them seemed to have any ideas of who this investor was.

all too well [Nikolai Lantsov]Where stories live. Discover now