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•Novyi Zem•

Nikolai Lantsov was pacing

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Nikolai Lantsov was pacing. Stood in his cabin, Celeste watched in despair, and mild amusement, as Nikolai crossed the wooden floor for what seemed like the hundredth time since they'd docked at Novyi Zem. "They should have found it by now." Nikolai finally announced, and Celeste just stared at him with a bewildered expression on her face, "It's been about 2 hours, give them time. We have time."
"Do we? Because from my perspective, time is passing very quickly."
"Time flies when you're having fun Sobachka," Celeste smirked at him as he glared at her from the other side of the desk.
The time spent together had brought them closer, and they were almost back to how they were when they were younger, much to the dismay of Tolya and Tamar. More than once one of the twins had walked in on Nikolai and Celeste in a slightly compromising situation, and they made it very clear that they were not happy with that occurring. But the twins being angry couldn't ruin the euphoric feeling that had settled under Celeste's skin. Things were going good. She was back with her person, and now that she was back, she couldn't ever imagine losing him again.

There was a knock at Nikolai's door and Celeste perked up, hoping it was Alina and Mal. Tolya opened the door, entering the cabin with weapons drawn, flanking Alina and Mal. "Request for charter, Captain." Tolya said, glancing at Celeste and Nikolai. Alina stared at Celeste with a shocked look on her face, before straightening up and glaring to Nikolai, "Immediate charter. He means we leave right now."
"Lets be clear about two things. I don't take orders on my own ship, and neither does Celeste. And, we're already underway, I'm glad you've joined us. Now, maybe you'd be so kind to give the room a little light. After all you are Alina Starkov. A 20-million Kruge Saint. Dead or alive." Nikolai announced, the persona of Sturmhond having returned as soon as Alina had entered the room.
"Preferably alive though." Celeste added, trying to lighten the tense mood that had settled on the room like fine dust. The joke was not appreciated though, and Alina just looked at her like she'd committed the biggest betrayal since the Darkling creating the Fold.

"There's no point in trying to deny it Miss Starkov. You are the Sun Summoner."
"You're right." Alina replied simply, conjuring the light and allowing it to spread into every corner of the room. Celeste snuffed it out with a flick of the hand, the light hurting her eyes. Nikolai whistled lowly, allowing the shadows to disperse before he began talking. "Impressive. And its not often I get to say that." He winked at Celeste as if it was aimed at her, and Alina noticed it with a snide look on her face. "Let us go. Or you'll be out 20-million kruge and a ship."
"While I'm well aware you could consign us all to the watery deep, you should really consider two things: the fact we have a shadow summoner aboard and how far we are from the docks. Beside, I'm not handing you over to the Fjerdans."
"You're not?" Alina asked, surprised.
"Saints no. Sorry, is that offensive to say in front of a living saint?"
"Okay. What do you want with us then?" Mal finally spoke up, looking between Nikolai and Celeste with equally as much hatred.
"With you? Nothing. Honestly I'm not entirely sure who you are." Nikolai began, and Celeste cut him off by hitting him over the head. "But the sun summoner... Well Alina, you have to know you're quite valuable." Celeste finished for Nikolai, who was rubbing the top of his head with a mock wounded expression.
"You just said you wouldn't turn her in for a bounty, Pirate."
"Privateer." Nikolai and Celeste corrected at the same time, as if it was an automated response. Mal just shrugged as if the difference didn't mean anything to him, "And all he said was that he wouldn't turn Alina into the Fjerdans. He said nothing of the Kerch or the Shu."
"What are you even doing here Celeste?" Alina finally asked.  Celeste just shook her head, indicating that she would reveal everything later.

"I paid a small fortune for the docks to be emptied to make sure you would get on my ship. And frankly, I think the Fjerdans are severely undervaluing you." Nikolai explained, putting his point across to Alina, who looked like she was deep in thought. "You're right. They are. Because you'll be able to ask the King of Ravka for twice as much." Alina stated.
"You know the King?" Nikolai asked, feigning surprise. Celeste nearly laughed, disguising it as a cough. The joke was, obviously, lost on Alina, and she replied indignantly, "I'm the Sun Summoner."
"By all accounts, the First Army has turned their sights towards Grisha. Thanks to what you and your conspirator did in the fold." Nikolai pushed, hoping the rile Alina enough that she slipped information.
"The Darkling and I were not partners. You may believe otherwise, but once I tear down the Fold and reunite Ravka, the world will see I am not his ally. Help us and you will be rewarded." Alina announced, attempting to gain control of the situation.

The whole thing was a little odd, and the back and forth between Nikolai and Alina was tiring Celeste a little. Tolya and Tamar were still on guard behind Mal and Alina, guarding the door to block the two from exiting if things got a little too heated. The exchange between the two was still continuing, but Celeste's mind was elsewhere now, floating back to Ketterdam. She remembered standing on guard with Jesper as Kaz interrogated criminal after criminal trying to gain information on the inner workings of the main gangs of the Barrel. She missed the Barrel, and she missed the chaos each day brought. The ship was peaceful, but peaceful didn't necessarily feel good to Celeste, who's mind was most occupied when fighting or crimes were taking place.

Nikolai nudged Celeste, bringing her back to the present. "There's adventure, danger, money? Now you're speaking our language." And an agreement seemed to settle in that moment. Nikolai led them out of the cabin, chatting merrily to crew members he passed as he led Alina and Mal towards their hammocks, "What are you doing here Celeste? Where are your gang members?" Alina asked once again, turning her head back towards her.
"Kidnapping you again." Celeste replied with a smirk, before smiling gently, "No, me and Sturmhond are old friends, go way back. Also, I wouldn't let Kaz hear you call him my Gang member, he'd gouge your eye out."

The group stopped in the middle of the ship, and Nikolai began speaking, "All right, listen up everyone." But the laughter and chatter continued, so Celeste took matters into her own hands, "Oy! Pipe down!"
"We have guests! The Sun Summoner and, uh... you are?" He asked Mal.
"Maleyn..." But Nikolai began again before Mal could even really finish his first name, "A guest of the Sun Summoner. I expect you'll treat them with the respect I've come to know from you pack of thieves and liars." A chorus of laughter echoed around the ship and the four continued again, heading right to the very back where two hammocks lay within a small alcove, "Now you can have the two in the back. Its the most private suite we have. See you in the Morning Miss Starkov." And then Nikolai hastily pressed a kiss to the side of Celeste's head, "See you Essie." And then he was gone, disappearing up the ladders onto top deck.

"Essie?" Alina asked once Nikolai was out of earshot. She just smiled, unsure what to say. Alina began asking questions again, obviously confused about Celeste's presence on the ship in general, "Wait, where do you sleep then if we have the most private hammocks?" Celeste grinned, tapping her nose, before disappearing back into Nikolai's cabin. She was tired, tired enough that once she slipped onto the bed, the darkness overtook her as soon as her eyes drifted shut.

"My Angel, how disappointing you have been recently. Fraternising with the enemy? I thought I'd taught you better than that." Her Father's voice echoed within her dream, and she turned a full circle to try and work out where the voice was coming from. "You know your little Puppy Prince will never be able to marry you. Otkazat'sya think of us as abominations Celeste. That's something we can never overcome." He added, but he still didn't reveal himself to her. "I'm coming Celeste. Mark my words. And yet you're not ready. So foolish my Angel. So Foolish."

Clutching her throat, gasping for air, Celeste felt bare, exposed. Her sleep had been breached once again by her Father, and this time Nikolai hadn't been there to pick up the pieces. He was above deck, on the Night Watch crew. Normally she would have joined him, but it was a cold night and she didn't want to leave the warmth of his bed.

A storm was brewing on the horizon, but just what the storm wanted was a mystery.

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