The start

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(Text mode)
Bre:hi dad
Dad:hi baby girl have a nice day at school luv u
Bre:love u to dad 😘
(End of text mode)
Mom I'm off to school see you when I get home
Love u . Bye sweets I love u to she said.
(Mom pov):
I can't believe he is cheating on me and to think he thought I would not find out I saw the message he send her when I'm gone I just cant believe he slept with my one of my co-workers I can't believe it (Mom starts to cry)
Omg I can't believe I forgot my phone upstairs in the house I just go it something wrong the door is wide open and dads car is here well it's probably nothing boom bre heard a 🔫 go off omg she saw her dad laying in the middle of the floor mom what did you do why did u do this to dad bre started to cry and boom another 🔫 went off this time the mom had shot herself nooooooooooo mom why please help me some one please
(Phone call)
911:hi how may I help u what's you emergency
Bre:help my mom just shot my dad and then shot herself
911:ok clam down how old are u and where do u live
Bre: I'm 15 years old and I live on justice street
911:we'll stand outside help is on the way
Bre hangs up the phone
(2mins later a cop car pulls up)
Hello I am here to help where are you parents
Inside the house on the kitchen floor bre said in with a sobbing voice.......
Bre was put inside a cop car and drove to the police station after the interrogation was over they should bre her mom phone and let her listen to a voicemail her mom had sent to her dad.
Mom:why did u cheat on me we have a 15 year old daughter named Bre I thought ever thing was ok I thought we was happy together what am I'm going to tell bre u know what just come home right now.........messages goes on then bre hears her dads voice baby I didn't mean to cheat is just because u don't ever show me love now just put the gun down and we can talk about it mom voice said there is no need for talking I work I pay bills I buy our daughter every thing she ever wanted and u go and cheat on me me really no and boom the gun went off and so did the voicemail.
Bre started to cry..... What's going to happen to me now......

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