2 Meet your classmates

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'There are so many students here... I wonder who's gonna get in and who's not I wonder if there's more to the test than showing our strength and skills' I thought in worry' "GO!" I hear Present Mic say from the speakers, I follow the crowd and start running I turn around and see that green-haired boy from the entrance of the U.A. I turn down an alleyway to catch my breath "I really should be using my quirk" I say to myself catching my breath "Ug-" I hear something moving out the other way of the alley, I sneak out the other side and see a 1 point robot I run on all fours I jump on the wall to get leverage and jump on top of the robot I scratch out the robots eye and fine some wires and bite them. The robot shuts down "YEAH HAHAHA!" I yell on top of the robot with my hands up

A 3-point robot turns a corner and heads in my direction I jump onto the ground and get ready to attack the 3-point robot. But then the blond-haired boy comes out of nowhere and smashes the robot "HEY! I was gonna get that one!" I say crossing my arms "Shut it cat" he says running to where there's a lot of commotion, I follow him there is a huge 0-point robot. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" I hear a boy say running away all the other students follow the boy, and I start backing up slowly 

I hear someone yell "Help!" I ran towards their voice and it looked like a girl had gotten hurt somehow "Hey! It's ok I'm here, get on my back ill carry you" I say bending over it pick her up. "th-thank you" the girl says "Your welcome is your leg bro-" I hear a huge crashing noise, it was that green haired boy from before. 

'He took out that huge robot by himself?!' I thought "Well, damn," I say setting the girl down where it's safe "Where does your leg hurt? do you think it's broken?" I ask in a concerned voice she points to the middle of her leg I nod. I take off my flannel I rip the arms off, and grab a stick that was sitting by us I place the stick on top of the flannel wrap it around her leg, and tie the arms around as tight as I can to hold the bone in place. "it shouldn't be broken you might have fractured it" I say sitting down I inhale and exhale ' I didn't get many points I'm not sure I even passed the written exam of the test..' I think 'I hope I get in' Recovery girl comes and heals everyone that's injured badly "Do you need anything, heald darling?" she asks me "Oh no thank you just a scraped elbow, but she needs her leg heald she might have fractured it" I say in a more concerned tone.

-time skip about 4 days after the exam-

'It has been almost a week since the exam... I hope I passed... If I didn't... this would have been for nothing.. no! Let's not think like that! let's stay positive!' I say to myself 

Im laying on my bed when my mom burst threw my door 'WINNIE!! THE RESULTS ARE HERE!!!' my mother saying handing me the envelope and leaves it as that

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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