Writer's Note

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Writer's Note:

Dear Readers,

I would like to start by stating that I am not affiliated with Netease, the developers of the game Identity V. However, as a fan of the game and someone who has been captivated by its rich lore, I was inspired to create a book that delves deep into the game's story.

In writing this book, my aim is to explore and expand upon the fascinating world of Identity V, to bring the game's lore to life in a new format that allows readers to fully immerse themselves in the story. I have meticulously researched and studied the game's lore to ensure that every important aspect is included, drawing on the game's characters, settings, and events to create a cohesive narrative that will captivate fellow fans.

I want to emphasize that this book is created purely for the fans of Identity V. It is a labor of love and admiration for the game's lore, and my intention is to pay homage to the original work while adding my own unique perspective to the story. While I have taken creative liberties in expanding upon the game's lore, I have endeavored to stay true to the spirit of the game and its world.

I also want to emphasize that I am open to making changes if necessary. As with any creative work, feedback from readers is invaluable, and I am committed to continuously improving and refining this book to make it the best possible experience for fans of Identity V.

I hope that this book will provide fellow fans of Identity V with a new way to immerse themselves in the game's story, to go beyond the game itself and delve deeper into its lore. I am excited to share this book with you and embark on this literary journey together.


Enjoy the story...!

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