The Good Sacrifice

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Earth – Lil Dicky

You will gather with family and friends.

You will each collect a fish with your hand, and you will show the fish love and kindness.

You will place them in a pool together, made of glass, with flowers surrounding them.

You will gather around, singing and dancing.

You will take turns feeding them.

Once they are comfortable enough to show you love, you may pet them.

Their heart will not be full of fear, and they will reciprocate your love.

When it is time to sacrifice them for food, you will do it quickly and painlessly.

You will give them a kiss and thank them before you take their life.

The soul's life as a sacrifice will be good, only good.

You will eat the fish in its entirety; the scales you will keep for medicine.

We must love life, all life...

We cut it with a knife.

Love the Earth, our home.

We are all the dome.

Eating disorder...

We need to remember the order.

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