001 aliens

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Faye walked over to Wyatt and Willa as she  saw a other meteor coming hitting the sky again

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Faye walked over to Wyatt and Willa as she saw a other meteor coming hitting the sky again. "Something big is happening you guys our moonstones are acting weird." Willa said looking at our moonstones. "Something big is happening" Wyatt said before turning to us, "biggest football game in the universe!" he said with a smile. Faye chuckled "just the biggest in seabrook" Faye said before she growled at the girl who was trying to paint her face. "Come on you know how important this win is for us monster's!" Wyatt said as my eyes turned normal. "Seabrook needs you cheerwolf." Willa said smirking. "You want the great alpha to rally a football team?" Faye asked them as they smiled," come on" Wyatt convinced his girlfriend . Faye rolled her eyes looking at the paint girl before giving them her answer. "Fine! I'll do it" Faye said annoyed,"YES!" Will and Wyatt cheered, "but I won't like it"Faye growled at them. "Let's get fro yo!" Faye looked happy at them, "race you guys there!" Faye said running as they ran behind her .

"Awooo!" Faye howled on the mighty shrimp bus. "Let's tear these east side Eels apart destroy them! yeah!" Faye yelled as scraping the bus. "At least she's doing what me said." Willa said, "just a little bit too much school sprit" Wyatt said next to his sister. "Get our mighty shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf no outsiders mess with our pack! Yeah!"Faye yelled again holding the seabrook poster, "when your from seabrook you are seabrook! Seabrook, seabrook,seabrook" Faye smiled while chanted.Faye jumped down from the bus as she saw a ufo. "Is that a". "UFO!?" Willa yelled shocked.

(I'm not typing the song that's for another day)

Faye wolfed out as the aliens tried to walk toward them " no!" Addison yelled, "Zed stop enough!" Addison yelled again. Faye wolfed out seconds later."takes us to your leader!" One of the aliens said, "your cheerleader!" Addison stepped forward. "Hi" she smiled, "we accept your invitation to the national cheer off" the aliens smiled, "Z-patrol arrest them!" Addison's dad yelled as they got handcuffed. "Ooo nice tech!" She said as she tried to reach for my moonstone necklace, "don't touch it!" Faye yelled at her, "why are you actually here?" Willa asked, "to join cheer ofc" she said flipping her hair,Faye growled at her, "LIES!"Faye shouted. "What's lies?" She asked, "it's where you lie to someone you say something that someone believes"Faye explained. "Hmmm" she said looking down at me. "Ok why is she looking at me like that?"Faye whispered to the pack, "I have no idea but they all seem sketchy" Willa whispered back. "You can all come out now!" Someone said as Willa opened the door, "if your here to invade seabrook our pack won't go down without a fight" Willa said, "we do not want your one star plant they are so emotional" she said as Faye looked at her, I'm about to knock her out she thought. "That so humans may find painful!" Faye growled at her, "welcome to seabrook!" Willa fake smiled. "Hi" one of them said.

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