Bowser's Love

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I asked it to make a poem about Bowser confessing his love to luigi. Btw nothing is mine on here lol pictures was found on Pintrest, Kabriah Parks

In the darkness of his castle, Bowser schemes,
Plans and plots to fulfill his wildest dreams,
But tonight is different, tonight his heart beats,
As he confesses love - a feeling so sweet.

With trepidation, he begins to speak,
Stammering and stuttering, feeling weak,
Luigi stands before him, unsure and wary,
As Bowser struggles to articulate, so contrary.

But with a deep breath, he finds the words,
The love he's felt since he saw that plumbers' gird,
Feeling the heat rise up his scaly cheeks,
Baring his heart, so fragile and meek.

Luigi listens in stunned silence,
A mix of emotions, difficult to balance,
Despite the past, the battles, the wars,
A tender heart lies within, yearning for more.

Slowly, the green one steps closer,
A hand outstretched, a soothing gesture,
Tentative and hesitant, but with grace,
Luigi molds his palms to Bowser's face.

In a moment, they're locked in an embrace,
Bowser's tears stream down his face,
As he feels the warmth of affectionate touch,
Luigi whispers love, raising him from the clutch.

The world may view them as adversaries,
But here, they are just two hearts that carry,
With love, all hurt and all pain,
Knowing that they've got nothing to restrain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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