Chapter 15

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‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ SA / RAPE  ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Griffin woke up feeling all dizzy and he realized some of his clothes were unbuttoned or unzipped and his shoes weren't even on. He was super confused at that moment. Then it all hit him. That old man " nice " man kidnapped him.

That man also had stole all of Griffin's bags. Griffin was so stressed out right now he didn't even notice that the man he was thinking about was sitting right in front of him.

" Hey... " the man waved his hand in front of Griffin's face. Griffin got startled and backed up, causing him to hit his back on the wall. " be careful, beautiful " he said. Griffin was disgusted by the pet name.

" Where am I!? Who are you!? Please I want to go home! " Griffin yelled. " I took you since I'm way better than your little boyfriend. I'm Al. You're not going anywhere, darling. You're staying with me. "

" No please! Just blindfold me and drop me off anywhere!! I won't tell tell anyone!! Just let me go! " Griffin begged and begged. " didn't you fucking hear me the first time!? " Al yelled.

" If you don't let me go, I'll scream. Whoever is up there or out there will hear me. " Griffin said while pointing at the door and the vent.

Al laughed, " I soundproofed this basement myself. Scream all you want, you won’t bother anyone. " Al walked out of the room without locking the door, which Griffin noticed.

Griffin was so happy. Griffin thought that the grabber was so stupid at this time. He opened the door and quickly climbed upstairs. He got upstairs and then he saw the grabber sitting on a chair, shirtless, and with a belt in his hand.

Griffin stood staring at him, frozen. Unable to do anything. He wanted to run really, really bad. The Grabber got up from the chair, grabbed Griffin, and threw him onto the ground.

( time skip )

Griffin cried while laying on the mattress. He only had his boxers and shirt on. He looked at his bruised and ' disgusting ' body. ' Why couldn't it be someone else? Why me? ' Griffin thought.

Well, Griffin wouldn't want anyone experiencing this. It's just that Griffin didn't think he was even good looking or anyone would like to do something with him.

Billy's POV ( 1 day earlier ) :

Billy rode his bike all around town while looking for Griffin. He was actually starting to get worried.  Griffin was always easy to spot when they got lost in public. But now, where is he?

" come on, Griffin. Where are you?? " Billy mumbled as he looked around. Then he crossed a bridge.  It was a beautiful bridge with an beautiful river. Billy used to go here and just looked at the view and thought about life.

He snapped out of his flashbacks as soon as he looked down and saw Griffin's bags. He gasped in shock and grabbed it. He quickly hanged it onto his bike and continued looking.

Seconds, minutes, hours even days passed as Billy looked for Griffin. He got home while sobbing so much. He threw his bike onto his front yard. Bianca came out concerned.  " Billy what happened!? "

Billy ran up to Bianca and hugged her tightly. Surprisingly... Bianca hugged back. " We'll find him soon. I promise " Bianca cried.

Briffin - why do you do this to me?Where stories live. Discover now