Followed them here- (Limit X Empire S2) RQ:3

42 3 12

Reqeusted by: pinklittlepiggy101


Hello again! It's me
And here is my request:

The SMP's: Limited life crossover to Empires SMP S2

The people:

The bad boys and mean gills

What I want to maybe happen:

The bad boys find out about what Scott and Martyn's plan to see other SMP's and when Scott and Martyn about to teleport, The bad boys go to them and also teleport,
Jimmy gets teleported to Fwips Empire, Joel teleports to Jimmys empire, Grian teleports to Sausages Empire, Martyn teleports to Jimmys empire (but ofc, Martyn sees the old sherif) and Scott teleports to Acotts empire (bc it would be weird to see himself but different)

They all reunite though and travel back

My limited life au is a year worth of time intest of 24 hours- bc like i want it to last long bc im me, and i like to make things longer then they have to be- 

i mean just read my highSchool au bc at the moement it's been a few months of posting daily and it has only been a week in the story so- XD

Well bc they have a few two people it will get confuesing- soooo

Limited Scott= L Scott

Empires S2= E Scott

Limited Jimmy= L jimmy

Empires S2 Jimmy= E Jimmy

Limited Joel= L Joel

Empires S2 Joel= E Joel

The Old Sheriff= T.O.S Martyn


*L Jimmy's pov*


Me, Grian and joel were on a walk when we saw Martyn and Scott infrot of a portal- and not a nether portal... "Martyn, You Sure We Should Go....? i mean what if we can't come back-?" Scott asked sounding nevoers "If we get stuck in the different life or Au- then we can just start a life their." Martyn stated

"...I guess thats true. Alright Lets go!" Scott stated and then they both jumped in and i just looked at them and then ran into the portal knowing they did the same. -when he got through the portal-  when i landed i was in a cave and cut myself on some dripstone when i landed-

and being me- i was used to getting cuts like this so i already had bandages on me so i wrapped it for now, making it stop bleeding and then i get up and look around- it was amazing- like their was signs everywhere and they blinking? 

And stuff like that- it just Looked Really Cool! and then this guy that was green- and had pointy ears? like goblin ears- and he just looked at me- and i looked at him, And he Looked At Me, And I looked At Him, AND HE LoOKEd AT mE, And I LOokEd At hIM! "...Hi-?" I said "Jimmy- why are you here-??? ANd Why Are you dressed like that-??" the Green Guy ASked-

"..Huh- so theirs anthoer me in this Au- Cool!!!-" I said "..Anothoer me??? Jimmy what are you on About-????!" The green guy asked "Oh- Im not your jimmy- im from a Different Au-... And um THis PLACE IS SO COOL!!!!!! YOuR SO LUCKY YOU HAVE THE MATERIALS TO BUILD  LIKE THIS!!!!" I said Looking around still in awe- 

"....Oh- Well that makes sense- um... i should tell the others theirs enother jimmy-" The green guy stated "Oh- ANd i didn't come alone. I came with Grain, Joel, Scott, and Martyn!" I stated "..Oh- ok then-" The green guy said and then typed something into his countierkayer- 

and i saw it pop into mine- "huh- yours is connected to mine now!" I said still in awe- and he just looked at me- "oH- that makes things easyer-.." The green guy said- and i looked and read the chat.


 Fwhip: "Um- guys- Jimmy just came to mine dressed as werid so i asked- and he was like, Oh im a jimmy from a Different AU- And then said that he came with some people called, Grian, Joel, Scott and martyn- So im amussing that his Joel and Scott are Au's of ares- " 

Scott: "yeahhh- Mines at mine- hes A fish! and he's really nice-"

Jimmy: "I have Joel- and the martyn guy- "

Sausage: "i have Grian!"

Fhwip: "ok- and Apperntly the jimmy has a coumtirmaytor and it works for are chat so hes reading this- and i think we should all meet at spawn-"


And then Fhwip? took me to spawn and i saw my fellow bad boys! 


*E Scott's pov*


i took myself from the Au to spawn as we had a lovely conversation. And when we got there we were the last people there- "Hi-" I said and then saw what it seemed to be the Joel and jimmy and then grian basically has the same style-

and Saying stuff like "BAd Boys!!! and were lad boys, or sad boys-" idk i wasn't really paying attention- and Myself already warned me about this- "oh woah you really weren't exsagasiing how much they talk abt them self being bad boys-" I said to myself 

"yup-" Myself said- and then we all sat down and then we exsplain how are worlds works to eachother- and damn theirs was so brutal-  "So you Guys Basically have a year to live- and you are forced to fight eachother." Fhiwp summarized. 

"...yknow when you put it like that-... it gets me thinking how bad are lifes are-..." Myself said- "I knew are lifes were bad already but damn it really is horbbily burtal and just bad compaired to yours-" Grian Stated "Yeah- i know that. i've noitce." E jimmy said and we all turned to him- 

"Jimmy What do you mean by that-???" Fhwip asked "...Oh- I just rembred the other life series sense i got out first in all of those-... and Scott also rembers- sense he Won last life and kinda won double life-" Jimmy said/pointed out- "Yeah- i do- and it's only bits and peaices of Double life tho-" I stated

"Wait- So You know are lifes-" Martyn said "only if u get out first or win." Jimmy stated "yup- and when your me! and Have bad luck all of your Aus and lifes know everything about the life series" Grian Stated "Anyways-i think we should try to get home, i'll get the portal stuff-" Martyn said and then walked away-


*L Scott's pov*


"Martyn wait up! im helpping you!-" I said and started to chase after martyn "..Yknow- what Come on bad boys- your helping aswell, cus once we get the stuff were gonna try to go home." Martyn stated

and the  bad boys followed a while still talking- -After getting the stuff and setting up the portal  "Ok, yall go first." I stated and they rolled their eyes and went in, and martyn then went in and the i did. heading back home.


So Did i do good writing this???? cus idfk if i did XD

Post Date: 4/22/2023

word check: 1117

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