Leader of the pack

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You groan as your alarm wakes you up.

You yawn, sit up and stretch then look around the bedroom of your apartment in the building you and your pack own.

Your ears flatten in annoyance as you get a call from your assistant. 

This was supposed to be a week off of work...

Your heat was currently here and its not really good to be under that while leading your pack...

Yes your the leader of this pack but damn it people can't you wait for just a bit longer to call? It's too fucking early.

You sigh as you answer the call saying your assistants name.

'What is it. I've got a couple left over dorayaki's with my name on them.'

'Sir, while on patrol near one of the abandoned apartment buildings Katrina and Owen went poof, missing'

You start to panic a bit.

Katrina and Owen where some of your best and if they have gone missing against their will that is very bad news.

'...which one'

'South West. I'm going there right now.'

'Ok I'm getting dressed, shoving one of the dorayaki in my mouth as well as my pills, then I'm on my way.'


You end the call then quickly slip some clothes on then run out the door.

You run into a room where you can make announcements and turn the speaker on.

'Attention everyone in the building who is strong enough to fend for themself! Please go to the lobby and wait for my orders! Two of our best, Katrina and Owen, have gone missing during patrol in the abandoned apartment south west!'

You turn it off the run down to the lobby where you find more of your pack.

'Everyone willing to go come with me! We need to investigate the dissapearance'

You watch as many heads nod in agreement and walk up to you.

'Some will stay of course to watch the pups and those who aren't quite old enough yet

A few more nods and you nod as well.

'Everyone who's coming with, follow me now!'

All of you rush outside and once outside youand the others run south west on all fours to go faster.

People give you and tour pack strange looks, but you are all used to it by now.

Eventually your kind will be normal to see for humans and they'll just see you as a normal person.

Once you arrive you text your assistant that your there.

You see his car drive up a bit after he sends a text back.

'Why do you have to be so boring, cars are fucking boring'

'Yeah I'd like to feel safe. Why don't you have a car?'

'Cars make ME feel unsafe. My qnxiety goes WHAAAA whenever I try to drive a car ALRIGHT.'

'Ok ok ok.'

'Anyway let's figure out what happened. Spread out into groups of four! Not to small and not too big too cover more space. Move out!'

You, your assistant, and two others go to the top floor and unfortunatly...

You fail too notice the eyes in the shadows and the thumps from downstairs where everyone else is while focused on the search...

Bloody fangs and furry clawsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum