Reaction to you doing SH

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A/N:as someone who does self-harm this is hard for me to make but I hope you guys enjoy . If you have a friend or family member who is suicidal please reach out to them or call for help(also I got lazy after a while so sorry)
.he will stand in shock for a few minutes but then will rush over to hug you
.lots of crying
.will politely ask for all of your knifes/lighters but will secretly look for ones you didn't give him
.after finding out he will look for anything that can harm you and will hide them
.probably will ask you if you want to talk to his dad for comfort
.bitch she will snatch the lighter/knife out of your hand. she'll then apologize
."did I do something to hurt you and if not who the hell did"
.she will get Jason or Ryan to help clean up.
. Isobel's now your new therapist sorry not sorry 😔
.will start yelling "WHAT THE HELL" but then will stop and apologize.
.he'll try to talk calmly but might yell a little
.like Jason he will look secretly for lighters/knifes
.if someone told you to kill your self he will beat the shit out of them
.boy he might faint
.strangely I see him having a soft side to him so he will definitely cry a shit ton
.after a while he'll ask you some questions and will try to comfort you
. he'll ask you to tell him if you have any suicidal thoughts in the future and will try alternative things to do
(I'm not doing Dana or Dabby bc there very young and I might irl cry
.basically just like ryan
.will comfort you while you two eat food
.I think from the episode "Juliet the snoop" she will look for any and all things that can hurt you
.I feel like they would know a lot of things about Heath and psychological things so they would be a great therapist
.they would cry a lot but not uncontrollably
. Kevin is more of a silly person so making you laugh is something they would do
.(I'm right now crying) he would hold you in his arms and tell you that everything is going to be okay
. he'd get Kevin or Juliet to help you
.lots of cuddles and headpats when your sad
.he'll be confused but then will realize wants going on
.this man will be the most comforting bitch
.after finding out he'll take you out on a picnic
.he will be faster then the flash
.like I said with vandyne I see him having a soft side
.he'll pick you up bridal style take you to the bed and cuddle you until you fall asleep
.you thought Dana cry's a lot then my friend you are wrong
.will squeez the life out of you (but won't hurt you)
.she will say "cake can fix anything" which is true
.he might cry a little but not that much (but he is very sad)
."shh it's okay you can let it all out I got you"
.will start to be more productive of you but not in a bad way
.they'll run to the bathroom and get medicine and Band-Aids for your cuts/burns
.I feel like they're a good cook so making you some food they would be happy to do
. they're going to compliment you 24/7/365
.Basically Isobel
.she will buy you flowers (hint she name)
.strangely I see her someone who wants to be a nurse so she can help heal your wounds (physically and emotionally)
. crying with a capital C.R.Y
."Don't ever do this to your self ever again okay idiot"
. If she even sees you with a sharp object/flammable object she will snatch it out of your hands
Mr.K (Platonic or Family)
.(this is for if you were part of black mirror or your basically vandyne) he would also feel your pain of the past
.o((*^▽^*))o Hugs....just hug (lol I'm cry rn)
. would ask if you want to talk to Jason for some comfort
Lady Jealousia
.I also see her having a soft side (surprisingly)
.(#tsudere) she might not act like she cares but she does a lot and if anything or anyone hurt you...oh boy there might be blood
."if I have to brainwash you not to do this I will"
Kim San
.i see him also having suicidal thoughts so he knows what it's like
. he'll be very clam and will try to take things slow
. he will ask if you want to go to a therapist for help but he won't force you

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