Part 2

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Oliver woke up from his phone, he turned on his night stand and picked up his phone. It was a Instagram notification, he put in his password and it took him to it. He saw that Nick Sturniolo dm'd him back, ' We could Collab will today be okay cause we're going to Hawaii tomorrow? ' As soon as Oliver saw the message he texted back ' Okay is 6:30 a good time? ' Oliver replied. ' Yep see you soon :) ' Nick texted back, Oliver got up to wake up Olivia to tell her. He walked through the halls then he reached her room, he knocked and Olivia opened the door. " Do you need something? " Olivia said tired while rubbing her eyes, " We're collabing with the Sturniolo triplets today at 6:30. " Oliver told her the news and they got ready Olivia wore grey short jeans, a black crop top, and a brown aesthetic color jacket. Oliver wore a white t-shirt, with blue short jeans, a red flannel, and a silver necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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