Sleeping Beauty (Chapter 3)

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Marla's POV

I woke up in the early hours of the morning because something didn't feel right. I had that sneaking suspicion that someone was downstairs, so I got up from my warm double bed and put on a comfortable dressing robe, that belonged to Mel. Her perfume kept me calm at times like this. I didn't grab a weapon, since I was sick to death of fighting. It never got me anywhere and I had to give up and face the truth, that vampires and humans were together. I sighed as I went downstairs, immediately seeing a figure laying on the living room sofa along with a pile of clothes on the floor next to her. 

I almost tip-toed towards the figure, gently moving the black blanket away from their face...

It was the vampire who was immune to silver. How did she get in here? This wasn't her home. 

But, as she was sleeping, I didn't want to wake her up. So, I had to play the waiting game. 

I watched the vampire move a little, only to adjust the blanket so it was back over her face. I walked away from her, not wanting to be a creep or anything by staring at her. I needed to eat something anyway. The world had gained back it's normality back, and that included the power being back on, along with the food issue. I grabbed a cereal bar from the top cupboard in the kitchen, leaving it open as I didn't want to close it. 


I turned around to look at the vampire, sat up on the sofa with the blanket wrapped around her. "Did I wake you up somehow?" I asked her, "Not at all. It was time for me to wake up anyway." she replied, before she got up and wondered over to me. She closed the top cupboard, since it annoyed her. "Why are you in my house?" I asked her, going into interrogation mode.

"It's our home, petal. It always was our home." she told me, "That interrogation was cute though." she then added. "You really are my Mel, aren't you?" I then had to ask her to confirm. "How should I confirm it, petal?" she replied, asking me how.

"My Mel had a small heart tattoo on her lower stomach." I told her, before I watched the vampire drop the blanket, revealing her full body to me. And there it was. 

I was lost for words, staring at the tattoo on her pale skin. "Are you still in denial?" she asked me, "Not anymore." I said quietly, looking up to see her red eyes. "Don't look in these eyes for too long, petal. They can be dangerous." she warned me. 

I then blinked a few times, before I realised that I still had the cereal bar in my hand. I began to eat it, with Mel watching. She wanted to ask something, but held back. 

I watched her walk away, heading upstairs. Then, I heard the running water in the bathroom. 

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