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I was born in 1917, Columbus, Ohio. My mother died during child birth and my father was a beggar, trying to get us some form of money to eat something. We were poor, and out on the streets. We didn't have a home, and I was too poor to get an education. So richer girls my age, were in school learning how to be a good house wife, whilst I was on the streets with my father, begging for money.

In the harsh cold in November of 1933, we both got very ill. My father died of pneumonia, and it seemed that I was heading that way, having the same ending as my father. But a young couple, the man was blonde, and the woman had slightly darker, brunette hair, walked past me as I was coughing and wheezing for air.

The man knelt down besides me, "I'm a doctor, you seem very ill, can I treat you? " He asked. He probably knew I was dying. I nodded slightly, as he looked to his wife, who gave him a soft, understanding look. It wasn't until he got closer to me, that I realized that he had golden eyes, a peculiar colour of eyes I had never seen before.

"I can help cure you of this" He said as he got closer to me, "Do you trust me?" I couldn't say anything but nod. I didn't realise what I had put myself into, until his teeth were sinking into my neck. All of a sudden, my body was burning. It was almost like my insides were on fire. I started screaming out in pain, "what did you do to me?!" I screamed out in pain. I don't remember anything else, I'm pretty sure I passed out then.

But that was 77 years ago now. I should be old, a grandmother even. But here I am, in Forks, Washington, stuck in time. Frozen. I was bitten at the ripe age of 16, forever meaning I'm 16 and I will be for a very long time. It's not all too bad. I have a family here. Carlisle and Esme are like the parental figures I needed, my biological father did everything he could to provide for us, and I will forever miss him for that.

I have five adoptive siblings, two sisters, and three brothers, all physically 17 and 18, but much, much older than that. Alice and I like to go clothes shopping, improving our fashion, whilst Rosalie and I usually did each other's hair, and spoke about any kind of gossip we had. Lately, it was her dislike for Bella Swan, Edward's human girlfriend.

Emmet and I usually play around, like arm wrestling, although I like to think that I could win, I never do. Jasper and I's relationship is entirely different. It used to be quite awkward and tense, but now he tells me his old story's of being in the newborn army for Maria, the one who turned him. Lastly, Edward and I used to play music together, but that was before he met Bella, one whom he spends all his time with.

Our family is different to other vampires out there. We call ourselves 'vegetarians'. It quite ironic really.. But it means we don't harm humans in order to feed. I would hate to harm one. I prefer feeding off deers, mountain lions, you name it. Our relatives, the Denali's are much the same, resulting in our golden eye colour.

In my family, a couple of us are gifted. Alice was gifted with subjective precognition. She can see into the future, despite it's certainty. Edward was gifted with mind reading, he can hear everyone's thoughts, aside from Bella's, which is something we still can't work out. Jasper got gifted with Pathokinesis. He can feel and manipulate the emotions around him. I was gifted with mental manipulation. I can get into one's head to make them believe something else, I can intrude their memories and perceptions of things they believe in. It was a good gift, and often came into our benefit.

Currently, I was sat in the living room, with Carlisle and Emmett, watching the news. There were disappearances occurring in Seattle, something out of the ordinary for humans, but we knew it was vampire behaviour. It was almost like they were feeding on the entire Seattle population, or worse, turning all these humans into newborns.

"Well, we'll need to intervene, put a stop to this before the vulturi get involved" Carlisle said as he turned the TV off. Emmett curled his hands into fists, as if saying he was ready for a fight, if it even came to that.

"The vulturi?" Bella asked. I sighed and sat back as Carlisle explained that all these disappearences would get them involved due to the risk of humans finding out the true nature of all these people going missing. I was ready for that. I could get into their heads and find out what was truly going on.

Sometimes I'm grateful for being a vampire. Being blessed with my gift is one reason. A family. But, other times, not so much. I wish I could age, could've met someone and started a family. This is something Rosalie and I agree on, but it was too late now. At least she has Emmett. I just wish I could find my mate. 

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