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All whilst having kept in mind the disappearances in Seattle, Alice was trying her absolute best to keep positive. That was always her thing, what she was best at. She tried to plan the graduation party for the people in her grade, Bella, Edward, Jasper. This was new to us. Really once we all graduated, we moved to a different state before people started to notice that we didn't differ, and that we looked much younger than we were supposed to.

So having a graduation party a our house, full of humans was definitely something different. Not just for me, but for all of us.

The graduation was today, and so currently, I was in my room, getting ready to attend to sit with Carlisle and Esme in the crowd, whilst we watched Alice, Jasper and Edward graduate. Something I've seen hundreds of times by now.

Fixing my hair, i made sure my lipgloss looked perfect, seeing Rose in the refection of my mirror at my bedroom door, "You need help with you hair, Flo?" She asked as she walked in.

"Yeah, can you do French braids?" I asked as I got two hair bands out ready for hair.

"Yeah of course, sit" She said. And I did as I was told.

I know Rose is under a lot of stress with the newborn army, and so her doing my hair is some sort of relaxation for her, a sort of therapy. Plus, it also feels nice when she does my hair.

"There, all done" She said and put the hair brush down.

"Thanks, sis" I said, in which I gained a smile from her in reply.

I was sat in between Carlisle and Esme, with all the families watching their daughters and son walk across the stage to graduate. I was always envious of my older siblings. They always got to graduate, a lot more than I could.

To make our story believable, I started high school at 16, my physical age. The family usually stayed in one area for years, however, when I was supposed to be 22 in college and still looked like a freshly turned 16 year old, it raised questions, and so we had to bounce back and fourth between different places.

Blinking away my thoughts, Edward appeared up on the stage when his name was called. He took his diploma, shook the principals hand. Everyone clapped, my family louder than the rest.

Bella appeared later on, her father stood and clapped for her amongst the crowd clapping.

After the ceremony, we walked outside to Carlisle's car, and waited for Edward to walk out. He soon did with Bella, and they walked over, still in their gowns and caps.

"So the party's really happening?" Bella asked.

"It will be a nice change for once" Carlisle said with a small smile.

"Okay, well, I'll meet you back at the house then. I gotta go get ready. See you later" She said to us, Edward giving her a small kiss on the head. "I'll come pick you up later"

Bella hadn't arrived yet, but our house was unusual. It was full of human. Teen humans, who had some a couple drinks down them before they arrived. The music was loud.

"Flo! I told you to wear the blue heels with the dress!" Alice's voice scolded me

I turned to her and sent her a cheeky grin. "Well, what if I didn't want to wear the heels? Besides, you can't go wrong with white shoes"

"White sneakers" She corrected, looking me up and down, trying to decide if my white nike sneakers fit with my mini dark blue dress.

"Fine, I suppose it makes it casual. Still should've worn shoes though"

I shrugged. Bella arrived with Edward then, who looked at her wrist, a bracelet was there, when it wasn't before. I decided to listen in on them,

"It's a wolf" Edward commented

"It's from Jacob. It's just a graduation present" To which Edward nodded in reply.

Now, Jacob was part of the Quiliete wolf pack in La push. They were meant to be our mortal enemies, yet, I smelt the scent of a wet dog in our home.

Wet dog?!

Edward looked over at me then, obvious that he heard my thoughts. He took notice of the smell then, and looked up at Jacob and two other pack members walked in. One was about Jacob's height, and the other was obviously younger, maybe my physical age?

He was looking around, a smile on his face. He had obviously never been to a party. Or a vampire family house.

He looked over at me then, his eyes wide, his smile dropping. The longer he stared, the more uncomfortable I felt. I glanced from him, to Alice, Edward, who didn't look impressed at him, and back to him.

"Uh, so I'm gonna go ... Alice?" I asked as I noticed she seemed like she was having a vision.

"They're coming for us"

"Who is?" Edward asked, as he walked over to her.

She looked at him, and he read her mind. I looked at her and tilted my head. For some odd reason, that was how I could 'access' my gift. I looked deep into her amber eyes, and read over her memories, her recent one and what she had just witnessed from her vision.

I straightened my head, and looked at Edward now. This wasn't good.

"what damn army?" Jacob asked. We were all out on the balcony, aware from human hearing.

I leant against the balcony, arms crossed as the boy, who I've come to learn as Seth, was still looking over at me.

Carlisle spoke up then, "Someone's been turning people making an army. We don't know why, but If they're coming here, they have a reason"

Bella and Edward exchanged a knowing look, and I stood up straight.

"What is it?" Carlisle asked.

"They're after Bella"

"After Bella?!"

"We'll fight then" Jasper spoke up

I sighed, and Rose looked annoyed. I didn't blame her. We were sacrificing ourselves yet again for her. Wasn't that last two times enough for her?

"The pack will fight" Jacob spoke up, both Seth and the other boy nodding with him.

And that's what tomorrow meant. Tomorrow was training to fight against the new born army, and the wolves will join to gain knowledge on them, and how to fight them.

That also meant Seth will be there. Which meant more staring. Yay for me. 

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