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The next morning, we were ready to begin our training, bright and early. I had a pair of black leggings on, white sneakers and an oversized grey jumper from forks high school. My hair up back into two dutch braids, as we stood around in the forest, waiting for the wolves to show up. 

"I can't believe we're doing this" I said, turning to Jasper and Alice, who were right besides me.

"Of course we're doing this. We're doing it for Bella, and she's family" Alice replied, making me sigh.

"All of this for a human" I muttered. 

"Hey, Alice is right. She's family. Don't say that again" Esme said, as she turned to look at me, scolding me. 

I looked down after that, and waited. And waited. Finally, Edward and Bella showed up.

"They haven't come yet?" Bella asked, as she got out of the jeep that Edward drove.

"Yeah, beginning to doubt they will" I said back.

"Give them some time, they may be wary" Carlisle said, trying to reason. Or maybe he's making an excuse, one which he's trying to believe in.

"Oh, they'll come alright" Jasper said.

And as if on cue, we heard growling in the distance, and snapping of branches. Slowly, but surely, the pack appeared, in their wolf selves, making me roll my eyes. 

"They don't trust us enough to be human" Edward commented. 

'Well done for pointing the obvious,Eddie'  I thought, gaining a look from my brother as he so obviously read my mind.

"That's alright" Carlisle started. "Edward, if you could translate for us, please?" He asked, in which Edward nodded in reply.

The whole time that Carlisle and Jasper explained what newborns were and how they differed from our kind, I noticed a sandy coloured wolf staring at me. He was smaller than the others, and had similar brown eyes to Seth. It must've been Seth, but I couldn't have been sure.

As I looked back at him, the wolf next to him, white with some brown splodges, with blue eyes growled over at me when it noticed, making the sandy wolf whine at it. 

I gave it a cold look, and turned to look at Jasper as he finished his explanation. 

"We'll show you how to fight them. Rose, why don't you go first" He said, and she nodded. She fought against him. She did good, was quick and light on her feet. 

After a couple goes, it was my turn. "Flo, why don't you and Emmett have a go?"

"This will be easy" Emmett smirked, cracking his knuckles.

"It's on, big guy" I smirked. 

We stood, ready to fight. I looked deep into Emmett's eyes, anticipating his next moves by intruding his mind. I was able to dodge a couple, and when he got frustrated, I was took my gift to my advantages. Getting into his head, I was able to bring up old memories he had. Whilst he was distracted in this memory-sort of trance, I took my opportunity to tackle him to the ground, which took him out of his trance. 

"and if they are unfortunate enough to be a lot smaller and weaker looking, don't hold back" Jasper said with a roll of his eyes.

"What?! She used her ability, how was that fair?" 

"Boohoo" I smirked and stood up, dusting off my leggings from the dirt. I glanced at the sandy wolf, and even as a wolf, he looked impressed.

Some of the wolves growled at the fact some of us have abilities - maybe they weren't expecting that. 

After we were all finished, I wondered over to Rose and Alice, "Hey sissys, you wanna go hunt? I'm really thirsty after all that training" 

Rose and Alice agreed, and let the other know where we were going. As we walked along our side of the treaty, Alice pipped up, "So, that small wolf was looking at you, you know"

"I know, I could feel him staring the whole time" I said with a roll of my eyes.

Alice glanced at Rose, and they both gave each other a look, like they both knew something.

"What?" I asked after I caught the look.

"Nothing" Alice said.

"Well, there clearly is something" I said, crossing my arms as we walked.

"Okay fine. At the party yesterday, you know the younger wolf? I had a vision before the party. It was of you... and him"

"The wolf? Me and him?"

"Yeah, you were both at la push beach... holding hands"

"We were what?!" I shrieked. What the hell did that mean?

"And Edward read my mind, saw the vision and um, read his mind and he imprinted on you"

"He what on me?"

"Yeah, Edward had to explain that to me. It's like their soulmates, you guys are destined to be!" 

"But he's a wolf. He simply can't be, they're meant to be the enemy!"

"Yeah I don't like it either. Gonna bring the god awful wet dog smell into the house" Rose said with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, you don't have to worry. 'Cos that won't be a problem. I'm never gonna talk to him, he a wolf  for crying out loud!"

"Besides, we have bigger things to worry about. Still can't believe we're risking our lives for her again"

"Yeah, me too"

"Guys! Stop, Bella family. She's your sister" Alice snapped, clearly fed up of us. 


Later that night, I was back at the house. After a full feed, I felt satisfied, stronger. 

I was in my room, curled up on the bed I had. I didn't need it. I had no use for it, but it was still comfy to relax on. I had the T.V on in my room, watching some tv show that was on. 

Glancing at the door,  I saw Esme walk in, and sat down at the bottom of my bed, where my feet were. 

"Hey, Es" I said as she looked at me and smiled softly. 

"Flo, Alice spoke to me about a wolf imprinting on you-"

"Ugh, I know, I'm not gonna talk to him, don't worry" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"That's not what I wanted to talk to you about" 

"It's not?"

"No. Quite the opposite, actually" 

I looked at her then, tilting my head, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I just wanna say, I support you in what you do, be with him, I support you"

"But, Esme, he's a wolf. He smells like wet dog, they all do. Besides, I've never spoken to him"

"You might find that you'll overlook the smell. And maybe, just maybe, you'll end up talking to him"

"Yeah, right"

"Just a thought, Flo" She said as she stood up.

"And you have no problem with this?"

She shook her head then, "No. I'll leave you be, Flo"

I nodded then, watching as she walked out. My head turned towards the windows, looking out to the woods. Do I dare? No. 

But, what if?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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