Ended [part two]

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Benny was on the sofa, lying down.
The ceiling was his only company.
What he had done... did he regret it? Yes, he did.
The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Frida.
He loved her, didn't he? He wasn't so sure anymore.
When he met Mona something changed.
Beautiful, tall, blond, soft-spoken... but, like Frida?His Frida was beautiful, inside and out, there wasn't half a thing he didn't love about her, he even loved her flaws.
Over time, their love did not mature, it rotted.
Her behaviours bothered him more and more, he had spent years helping her every time she shut herself off, but they were always back to square one, at one point he gave up.

If she wants to open herself up, she'll do it on her own, he used to think selfishly, and now he regretted it.
He would always come home late, dine in silence with his wife, then run to Mona, leaving Frida to cry herself to sleep.
Admit that he no longer loved her? It was difficult, he knew she loved him unconditionally, but Mona?
Mona had the place Frida had, he was aware of that and would kick himself in the ass for it.
Frida. The same Frida who always encouraged and supported him, the same Frida who gave him two more beautiful children, though not biologically his own, the same Frida who waited for him every night in her bathrobe, on the couch, with a sparkling goblet of white wine, the same Frida who sang to him.
Mona. He would run to Mona to seek refuge and find it, he would cry in her arms and she would comfort him, he would find solace on her body, in her kisses, in her words, just as Frida did, until some time ago.
Tears began to roll down his cheeks but he quickly wiped them away, there was no point in crying any more.
He had decided it, it was his fault.
He had hurt her and he could never forgive himself.
He sat down on the sofa, reached for the packet of cigarettes on the coffee table and lit one.

As the ash fell onto the carpet Frida had bought as soon as they moved in, his whole life passed before his eyes, all speeding by.
From his marriage to his first wife, to his beautiful children, to his divorce, to meeting Frida, to their eight-year promise of eternal love, to their marriage, to the quarrels, to the discord that slowly grew between them.
When the cigarette finally went out, he got up and went to the telephone.
He dialled Ulvaeus' home number and with little patience waited for a reply.

"Hello, Agnetha here"

"Hi Agnetha, it's Benny, is Bjorn there, by any chance?"

"Sure, I'll call him for you"

He waited patiently for a few seconds until someone picked up the phone on the other end.

"Hey Ben, everything OK?"
"No" he coughed "do you want to go out and I'll explain everything?"
"Absolutely yes, I'll meet you outside your house in half an hour"

Benny hung up, without answering, and went to get ready.
Agnetha stayed at home, she had a bad feeling, after putting Linda and Christian to bed she got on the couch and turned on the TV.
And not even half an hour later, what she more or less expected, happened. The doorbell rang.
Not even time to open the door when she found a sobbing Frida in her arms.
She pulled her to herself and hugged her tightly.
She lifted her head with her hands and said:

"Frida, Benny called".

Although she had no idea what was going on, she had already understood.
She pushed her inside and sat her on the sofa, where she fell asleep in an instant.

Meanwhile, Benny and Bjorn arrived at the bar together."Bjorn, I'm seeing Mona, and Frida found a letter..."

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