Part 1

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Emma created a gc
Emma added Ray, Norman, Gilda,
Don, Nat, and Anna
Emma named the gc Fruity Orphans

Ray: wtf is this

Emma: A gc 😊

Ray: We don't need a gc dumbass

Norman: Ray, don't be rude

Ray: I'm not being rude, I'm stating the obvious

Norman: stfu Ray

Ray: Make me, asshole

Ray and Norman are offline

Don: Ayooo 🤨📸

Gilda: Hi Emma!

Emma: Hey Gilda 🤭

Don: Queers 😔

Gilda: stfu, homophobic bitch

Don: No

Nat changed Don's name to big ass forehead

Gilda: omg Nat, ilysm

Nat: ilyt ❤️

Emma: Anyway! Do any of you know the answers to number five

Anna: Number five of what? I can help if you tell me.

Emma: Number five on math hw
*Emma sent an image*

Anna: Sorry Emma, I haven't learned that yet

Big ass forehead: Dumbass 💀

Anna: I'm younger then you, stfu

Norman and Ray are online

Ray: Don has beef with everyone-
Ray: Leave my girl alone

Emma: you two dating?

Norman: I hope not- 🫢

Anna: We're not, I think Ray is gay

Big ass forehead: Lmao, gay 💀

Ray: Why are you so homophobic, you suck dude

Big ass forehead: Nah, you suck

Ray: I suck dick 😊

Norman: Can confirm

Big ass forehead: AYOOO WHAT?! 😨📸

Nat changed Ray's name to Emo boy
Nat changed Normans name to Mt. Everest
Nat changed Emma's name to carrot top
Nat changed Gildas name to spinach
Nat changed Anna's name to Tommyinnit kinnie
Nat changed Nats name to the best

Emo boy: The best? I disagree with that
Emo boy changed the best's name to the dumbest

Mt. Everest: Why is mine mt. Everest?

The dumbest: Your forehead + nose make you look like mt. Everest

Emo boy: leave him alone

Spinach: Everyone quite, he's protecting his bf


Mt. Everest: YEAH!

Carrot top: I beg to differ 

Spinach: Fr- like what did you two do while offline? 🤨

Mt. Everest: I shut him up

Big ass forehead: With your lips-

Mt. Everest: Stfu, single hoe

Emo boy: I'm going to sleep, ya'll need to shut up

Carrot top: Night Ray!

Tommyinnit kinnie: Goodnight Ray 😁

Mt. Everest: Goodnight Ray, love you

Emo boy: love you too, Norman

The dumbest: GAY GAY GAY 🏳️‍🌈💅🏻👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈✨✨✨✨✨

Emo boy is offline
Mt. Everest is offline

Big ass forehead: You scared them away, good job Nat

The dumbest: Thank you Don

Tommyinnit kinnie: This is why you're the dumbest, he was being sarcastic

Spinach: Can I kick this idiot out

Carrot top: Nooooo! He needs to be here

Tommyinnit kinnie: I'm going to sleep, night

Carrot top: Same, goodnight

Spinach: Goodnight you guys!

Tommyinnit kinnie, Carrot top, and Spinach are offline

Big ass forehead: The homos left

The dumbest: now we can make out 🤭

Big ass forehead: 😘😘

The dumbest: night bbg 🏳️‍🌈

Big ass forehead: gn 🏳️‍🌈

Big ass forehead and the dumbest are offline

A/N: hope you liked it, just so you know. Anna is Tommyinnit kinnie bc she looks like him, not my words

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