Part 3: Norray

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Private chat (Norman's pov)

Emo boy <3: Norman

Norman: omg you unblocked me 😊

Emo boy <3: Shut up, I need to talk with you. This is serious.

Norman: Right sorry

Emo boy <3: listen, I'm really sorry for blocking you and being rude. I thought it was funny but I actually hurt you. I'm really sorry Norman and I know we joke flirt and shit but I do actually like you. I really hope you feel the same.

Norman: Ray I-

Emo boy <3 blocked you
Emo boy <3 is offline


Private chat with Emma (Norman's pov)

Norman: Emma Emma Emma Emma!

Bestie: WHAT!?

Norman: I have an emergency

Bestie: Omg what?

Norman: Just look
*Norman sent a screenshot*

Bestie: Oh shit- 🫢

Norman: This is serious Emma

Bestie: Right right, sorry. Okay uhm, you can go to his room? Talk with him

Norman: He's not gonna let me in-

Bestie: fuck hold on, let me ask Gilda what to do-


Private chat with Gilda (Emma's pov)


My girl <3: WHAT WHAT?!

Emma: LOOK!
*Emma sent an image*

My girl <3: Omg 🫢 Ray confessed


My girl <3: Shit uh, just have Norman go to his room.

Emma: Ray's not gonna let him in!

My girl <3: I'll make Ray let him in


Private chat with Ray (Gilda's pov)

Gilda: Ray!

My favorite emo: What?

Gilda: Unblock Norman!

My favorite emo: Why should I?

Gilda: He likes you back dumbass!

My favorite emo: Oh- I thought—

Gilda: You thought wrong, now unblock Norman!

My favorite emo: Alright Alright


Private chat with Norman (Ray's pov)

Ray unblocked Dumbass <3

Ray: Sorry Norman-

Dumbass <3: It's fine Ray, maybe don't block me again—

Ray: Right, got it

Dumbass <3: so uh, wanna go out some time?

Ray: Sure, Norman- sure

Dumbass <3: great!


GC: Fruity Orphans

Spinach: It's hard being Cupid

Carrot top: Fr- playing match maker all night

Big ass forehead: Sorry what?

Carrot top: We got Norman and Ray together-

Big ass forehead: Didn't they break up?

Carrot top: They were never together!

The dumbest: I thought they were dating since- well before we ever escaped, I thought they were dating when you and Norman found out

Carrot top: Nope, they've liked each other forever though.

The dumbest: right-


Thursday, 7th period

Depressed emo boy 🖤🥀: Norman, meet me in the bathroom

Mt. Everest: Alright 🤭

Carrot top: God damn, not at school-

Big ass forehead changed Depressed emo boy 🖤🥀's name too Emo boy
Big ass forehead changed Mt. Everest's name to Emo boy lover

Spinach: Sounds right

Carrot top: Fr

Tommyinnit kinnie: Ya'll can't talk, where are you two at?

Carrot top: Girl, we are in different years- why do you care?

Tommyinnit kinnie: our 7th period teacher teaches our year too. So her 7th is mixed— we have the same teacher idiot

Carrot top: fare point—

Tommyinnit kinnie: Exactly

A/N: this one is short because I wrote it in class and the pov changed a bunch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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