Chapter 2:

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"I'm pleased to announce that we have a tribute for the anniversary of our victory," the lady in blue says. Where am I? How did we complete the four sessions that we reached the day of tribute as they say. Dad used to tell me that after the incident of Bold they had changed the calendar - first it used to be only four sessions but now it's four sessions and one day where the day is the day of tribute. The day of tribute was made to remind us of what the consequences are for foolish behaviour by us. So on this day, one person dies from our society but I don't clearly know what exactly happens and how the person is chosen because children below 17 aren't allowed to even leave from the houses on this day.

But the strange part is how did we reach this day? Had I fallen into coma or was in hospital for a long time because of.. I don't know malnutrition or poor diet or less water... I don't know. No. That's not possible. "Oh! Another tribute, marvelous!" she says. I look around and see no one around me..then whom did she mean? Wait....did..did she- "Yes you! Why are you looking around. No one else is here. You know the rules!" She says, this time pointing at me. "No!" I shout back. "I mean I don't know what's going on, and I don't know the concept of this day..I..please trust me!" I retort to her sentence. "Well if a person from the lower society is here, the answer is simple, it means-" I stop her-"Means what?" She looks frustrated probably because stopping her from finishing her sentence. "It means a sacrifice." she tells me. Another woman from behind comes into this tantrum. "Ma'am, it's the boy who fought with me," she tells. Her face reminds me of someone, the wicked look, smirk visible every two seconds and those hypnotic eyes....No...I'm shocked actually surprised. It's her. It's the in charge for the year. "Very well, we'll give him a nice farewell," the lady in blue says.

"Who are you to decide what happens with me? I am the one who leads my life and I decide when to put a stop to it!" I shout in a commanding way. She shakes her head. "Really Steffi, you were right about this attitude of his and it's better if we get rid of him now itself, who knows how much more trouble he can cause to both the societies," says the lady in blue. I look behind and see the barren land. I look at them and then towards my right-clear I tell in my mind and then left-clear. "On the count of three Drake," I tell myself. 1, I breathe. 2, I close my eyes. 3! And I take my chances - running as fast as I can. "Catch him!" One of them shouts but I don't care to look back.

I run as fast as I can. Not thinking of where I'm running, not thinking about what could be up ahead, probably many more of her soldiers. I'm just not thinking. "We've almost got him!" One of the henchman shouts so loud that I feel he's right next to me. I try running faster but I'm losing breath, haze accumulated in front of me, blurring my vision with the rush of adrenaline in my mouth. All the footsteps on the ground echoing in my ears and the humid wind whispering in my ears it's all over. But something inside kept me pushing on. I will not stop I remind myself, making me cross my limits. Forcing my legs to push harder I kept pace. For how long, I have no clue. Everything seems to go in vain. I know there is no turning back and I don't even have the gumption to look back. This barren land doesn't have an end to it and neither does my running. Today my willpower isn't on my side. Is this what it means to be fearless; running away. I'm a coward and nothing but a fool to have thought I could change the society.

My eyes are forcing shut and I am on verge of fainting into the emptiness of life. My legs wobbling as they try to get past this endless stretch of sand. My feet are bare and nothing seems to be on my side. All wishing to end it, my heart, my mind, my legs, my eyes telling me how it's all going to be useless. I don't know how long it's been but one thing I know is that I can't stop. Not today and maybe not tomorrow. I don't know what's pushing me on when everything is against me. I try my best but no, my entire body is wobbling and I'm feeling dizzy. My legs in no minute longer will halt and now even forcing myself to keep up is waste. My body is drenched in sweat. Maybe I'm only wasting time by pushing myself more.

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