Chapter 6:

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My heart pounded to the beat of my feet racing over the moss-covered ground, taking turns, crashing into trees. Everything seemed to go in vain. They didn't lose their track either. Somehow I know that the end is near, that I must forfeit. My legs can't bear it anymore, they're shivering at the sight of their last run. My skin's goose flesh and my heart, their prey. For some reason, I wanted to look back - to find out whether it is actually Julie. But for the same reason, I just don't. My nerves tense up and I feel a chill in my stomach. Fear masking my head, soon it will be the end. But... but for some reason I can't lose hope. It's the same thing that helped me through those dreams, to realise that what has to happen, will. I quicken my pace and sprint into thin lanes, not worrying about what I crash into. I fall. I get up and run.
I don't stop until a single sound can be heard. There is absolutely no idea of how long I was running. I just know that I survived for at least five minutes. I sit down taking support of the tree behind me when suddenly I feel something sitting on my head, but this time there's a feeling of relief, I know who it is.
"Heavens," I whisper with relief as I bring him down from my head. I free him from my hands and somehow I know he's trying to tell me something. "Heavens?" I question. Maybe, maybe he's asking me to follow him. He beautifully sways his arms over his chest and flies straight down. For now I have no other option but to follow the path led by Heavens. The only thing I know is that I can't stop. I need to find a hiding place for now and plan or wait for sun rise and then leave for another place.

I run and run; exhausted. I need to breathe, I'm running out of breath. Heavens stops and I sigh with relief but... "Heavens?" I question him though he might not understand. But why would he get me to a place filled with bamboo tress? I mean there is no chance I can hide here for today's night out. Heavens flies away mostly for some reason and will return, I know that. I:m hungry but nothing around that I can ingest. The others. I wonders if more people died. I don't realise how long it has been since Heavens has left.
"He's there!" Someone shouts! I need to run! "Heavens!" I shout. "I need you!"
I have no option but to run. Tick-tock... Tick-tock... Tick-tock - that's how I feel my life runs currently. Batteries almost dead but I don't lose hope. God listens to prayers and I see Heavens in the air. " I start running towards Heavens direction but... but... "Heavens!" I shriek as I see the arrow passing right through his chest, right through the bond we had which took not more than a second to finish. "NO!!!" I shout and dive forward to catch the falling pale friend. There are tears in my eyes as they fall to cleanse the blood oozing out. I'm going through emotions of various sorts.
What was his fault? Tell me!
Why does everything have to be so miserable? Why do I have to be the one to suffer! Why can't you kill me?
This isn't even supposed to be a killing game. It''s not fair.

Tears flooding and so is my anger. Anger of being Fearless. I start losing hope. I have nothing left to go ahead with, absolutely nothing. If being Fearless means to never care about the loss of loved ones! Then I cannot accept this form of brutality within me. It hadn't been a long time since I had met Heavens and if this is how we part, then the murder will feel my agony and murder will feed my agony. I take out the arrow from Heaven's body and slowly pick him up, give a kiss on his forehead and put him inside my backpack.

I run towards the voice of the others, they are more in number but I have agony that will torment. I get a glimpse of one of them but due to soggy eyes, I can't see who it is but it doesn't matter. I will feed upon revenge. I run and jump on him. My fists kissing his face, "Why did you do that?" I shout and saliva decorates his face and I give him another of my fists. "Happy to see others get tormented!" Giving a fist this time on his lower jaw. I lift the arrow up and I see Heavens' blood lined on it. "Blood for blood!" I shout and pierce the arrow right through his neck.

After the last drops from my eyes pass out, I get to see the face of this cold-blooded being. "Albert..." I whisper.
"What do you think of yourself?!" Someone questions from behind. I turn back and see it's Cliff.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"It's simple! You proved that you're heartless and just here to win. Happy to be the greatest terminator?" He questions as though accusing me.
"How were you so sure the guy you killed, killed that white bird?!" He questions.
I bite my lip as I have no answer. I killed him to get myself an answer but I'm only questioning myself more. My anger proved my nuttiness. I had no reason to kill. Then why did I? I shout into the air which was numb, waiting for me to answer why?
"Retaliation, am I right?" He asks. I don't answer back. "Retaliation? Answer me Drake!"
"Retaliation?! But what for?" Accusations fall like thunders on a rainy night. "You broke my trust. Retaliation for being the closest one to you. Stay away from Drake. Stay away." His voice turns into a creepy hiss and goes away, far away from my sight. He didn't inject the venom, no one but me. He's just telling me there's venom that I can't remove. That's venom I can't treat. I proved that I'm a liquidator! I thump my hand on the ground and lie down as I cannot get rid of the sin. I let the poison ooze out with the blood that has no meaning. My eyes forcing shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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