Trinity and Dakota

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governmentlies42; I moved, and met you, Trinity. You were born a year and a day after me, and I thought it was so cool. It took us over 6 months to have a sleepover, but it was worth it. You are a special person, even though we aren't that close.

Dakota, I met you a couple of days after Trinity, while walking. At first, I liked your brother more than you, but oh well. You're still my friend, more than your brother. We had a sleepover the next day, and that was so much fun. I introduced you to Trinity, and off you two went, without me.

Now, you two are closer than I ever was with either than you. You make me feel so sad at times, but it's okay.

*2018 update

Neither of you talk to me too often. Maybe one text every couple of months. Mostly from Trinity. I miss you guys heaps. I hope we all are able to meet up one day, in the future maybe. I moved, and you both stopped texting me. I don't really even remember a goodbye. 

A Tribute *2018 UpdatedsWhere stories live. Discover now