Am i okay?

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'JJ just sat staring at me'
"Erm.... What the fuck are you doing in here?"I shouted at him.
"Take this it will help with the hang over"he passed me some painkillers and a bottle of water.
'He got up and started walking out'
"WAIT" I don't know why I shouted that
"Yeah" he spoke in a sarcastic manner
"Look I'm so sorry about last night I..I was just so drunk I guess, I was confused after Logan kissed me and yeah I'm sorry" I say with confidence
I look up at Jj who look a bit sad I don't know why though
"You" I get cut off to him saying
"Look I know you was drunk but you can't just get naked in front of someone like me y/n you know that"
"I know your my brother's friend and I don't feel for you in any other way than my brother's friend,
'In Jj mind'
"honestly not what I mean I mean you can't get undressed in front of me because I really would like to fuck you but I can't I have a girlfriend"
Back to Y/N POV
I was recklessly drunk and I'm sorry" you say pausing for a moment before speaking again
"Jj"I say in a calm voice
"Yea"he looked up nodding
"Roll ?"I looked up with puppy dog eyes
"Yea"he smirked.
I point at the top draw of my tv stand and he goes and opens it and tales the weed out and started rolling.

We both walked out the room i look up at the clock on the wall and it's only 6am. We went outside and smoked are joint in complete silence.
I walked off when I didn't want anymore.
'In thoughts'
I don't know what I can do he can't even look at me I've tried everything but he won't talk to me
Why did I have to get fucking half naked last night? ...
why won't he talk to me I apologised?
You flop back only your bed almost instantly falling back to sleep.

"Y/N Y/N" John b shouted trying to wake you up
"Hmmm what's up John" I say in a sleepy voice
We hear someone say awww in the background
Turn to see jj
None of us were surprised that Jj was flirting with me he does it with every girl he sees

"JJ that's my sister remember" John b said in a joking manner
"I know I know but won't stop me though" Jj said running as John b chased after him.
"Boy cut it out why the fuck did you wake me John" I asked as I sat up in my bed
"We are all going to the beach to surf there's a storm coming so the waves are gonna be perfect anyways was wondering if you'd like to come?"john b said as he walked back into my room
"Erm yeah sure just let me get changed" I said jumping out of bed.

I was all ready to go I have my towel rapped around me and my bathing suit under it and I just shoved some normal clothes in my bag.
As I walk out my room I see Jj and a girl I'm guessing is Allison as they are snuggled up on the pull out bed.

Allison walks up to you and puts her hand out for you to shake
"Hi I'm Allison"
"Hi I'm y/n"
I shake her hand.

"Are we going then?" I asked
"Just waiting on Kie and pope then yeah we are." John b replied

About 10 minutes later pope and kie have arrived.

What we think is this any good please tell me your thoughts in the comments

Xoxo paicie xoxo

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