Mixed signals part2

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Someone hugs me from behind.
"I will never leave you I couldn't never cope with losing you either y/n I care about you so much you and the other pogues you all mean everything to me especially you I don't do sob story's so I'm not gonna say anymore but you are and will always be something more to me than a friend" Jj had tears forming in his eyes.

He just shock it off and started walking away when I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged my head into his chest. He picked me up and went inside and sat down with me on his lap now.

"JJ Logan's in there"I whispered pointing at my room

"Don't worry y/n as much as I want to just pin you down and stick it inside you" I cut him off

"JJ I need to know"
"What y/n"
"Your flirting with me is it all a game to you or do I mean more than a friend to you"
"It's not all a joke but no one can know that y/n one because of John b and secondly I really do like Allison and you like Logan"
"But JJ"
"I know y/n if we are meant to be we will be just not now"

I kiss him in the cheek and go to get up
"Y/n don't get up yet"
"JJ seriously"
"I know but it feels so good y/n"
"Okay I'll stay here for a little while."
"Yes JJ I'll sit on your lap whilst you have a hard on"
"Shhhh fucking he'll y/n Logan will hear you"
"I don't care JJ"

We just look at each other for a while.

"I really like your eyes JJ"
"Why's that y/n"
"They remind me off the ocean. And the ocean calms me and so do your eyes I like your eyes JJ and for Fuck sake your like family to me JJ"

"Family" he said moving closer to me.
He grabbed my arse and laid back a little bit making me grind on his hard dick.

"JJ" I let out a little moan.
"JJ we can't"
He stops
"I was just proving my point y/n family don't make you feel the way I make myself you feel when I grabbed your ass and did what I just did"

"JJ I..I really like Logan so this us just no okay?"

"Get off then y/n your the one who stayed"
"JJ don't be like that"

I get off him and walk back outside to smoke my joint.

"Y/n shit I'm sorry I can't believe I just did that please forgive me and can we forget that happened" Jj said walking outside
"Yeah Jj we can forget that happened I'm sorry but I don't like you like that that's why your like a brother to me and it was just awkward and plus you don't like me like that either" I said lighting my joint

He walks back inside and when I'm finished I walk inside to.

"JJ you awake?"
"No y/n"
"Very funny JJ can I sleep with you I kinda don't want to sleep with Logan because I don't know I don't trust sleeping in the same bed as someone I'm fucking and plus I don't trust kooks even if I like them."
"Y/N can't you sleep in johns room"
"Oh okay yeah sure I can night jj maybank"

I decided to sleep on the hammock outside so I got some blankets and a pillow and set off outside to make my hammock bed. It's was to cold outside so I wouldn't freeze. I climbed into the hammock laying on my pillow and pulling blankets over my body. And almost instantly started crying.

In thoughts
I just lied to my love I don't think off Jj as a brother at all I wish he would be mine now and that I could just sleep with him every night waking up next to him every morning but I can't because he's so into that kook Allison. I'm so done with JJ from here on out I want to be on my own. Maybe fuck Rafe that would piss him off wouldn't it.

I finally fall asleep and wake up to Sarah calling me.
"Y/N why the fuck are you sleeping outside?"
"First off all good morning to you too secondly I must have fell asleep watching the stars also I'm going back to sleep" I said in a sleepy voice closing my eyes and drifting back off to sleep

when I wake up I see that I'm in my bed next to
"JJ why the fuck are you in my bed where is Logan."
"Y/N who's Logan"
"JJ you know who Logan is..why are you here?"
"Look y/n your in bed with your husband talking about another guy wanna explain yourself are you cheating"
"Your with Allison"
"Now why the fuck would I date Allison isn't she like a kook wait and her brother Logan y/n did you mean logan Duff?"
"Yeah but Jj"
"Fucking slut"

You wake up to realise it was all a dream your still actually on the hammock.

You wake up and head inside to your room.
Logan is still asleep so you climb into bed next to him to make it look like you were there the whole time.

"He rolls over and puts his arm around me"
"Logan don't I think... I can't do this anymore"
"What do you mean y/n"
"I'm... breaking up with you Logan I'm sorry I just don't love you I like you but"
"You like me but you like him more"
"I don't know what your on about"
"JJ y/n I've seen the way you look at each other and I heard your conversation last night and I'm not happy your a slut,a whore,"
I start to walk out my room whilst he shouts names at me

JJ and John b were sat in the front room.

Yep okay then
Xoxo paicie xoxo

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