225 3 1

Talk of addiction; implied Mpreg


The bed was empty.

Seonghwa had shifted onto his side, back aching as he reached out for the warm body laid next to him, hands meeting nothing but air. They fell to the mattress with a soft thump, sleep-crusted eyes cracking open at the growing chill he could feel linger on the rumpled sheets, evidence of his boyfriend's obvious disappearance. The blonde instantly sat up, rubbing a sluggish hand down his face as he observed their dark bedroom through a blurry haze, catching the time in his wake.

3: 30 am.

He barely paid the number any mind, already knowing it was late by the lack of light that filled the small apartment, bits of moonlight spilling over the comforter wrapped around his legs. Though, living in the city did have its perks as the buildings outside remained lit throughout the night, providing him with some sort of light. Plus, the array of bustling restaurants and lone office windows did illuminate the prone body that stood along their balcony, Seonghwa gazing at his missing boyfriend through the sliding doors that separated them; watching him quietly.

Hongjoong was shirtless, his bare back to the glass, spine curled over the protective railing as he exposed each and every knob along his vertebrae. His pajama pants hung low, body relaxed as he slumped onto crossed arms, black hair messy and nearly invisible against the darkness. However, the inky color was the perfect background for the thin wisp of smoke Seonghwa noticed waft up above the male, his heart sinking as he spotted the cigarette placed in his hand. Lips wrapped around the head, chest pulling in a lazy drag as the end briefly turned orange, dainty fingers tapping off the ashes onto the street below.

It was only certain that after two months of abstinence, his boyfriend would inevitably fall back on his own promise, finally giving in to his nagging withdrawals and soothing the itch with nicotine. Seonghwa couldn't blame him though. Abruptly ending years of smoking was bound to put his mind and body through hell, not to mention that his partner was a creature of habit. The moment he got stressed a cigarette was between his teeth, like a pacifier to a baby. Recently his days in the studio had been extra long, and it had clearly gotten to him. Still he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment grip at his heart. He'd been doing so well only to lose all of his progress in a single puff of smoke.


Sighing to himself, the blonde flipped the covers off, swinging his legs over as his feet hit the carpet below him. He pulled the duvet along with him, wrapping it around his shoulders when a shiver rippled through his frame, hating the cold air he could feel leak in from the balcony door. He padded his way over, suddenly noticing the layer of moisture that coated the clear panes as he tugged them open, the smell of rain invading his senses as he could feel a light drizzle settle onto his face as he walked outside.

His boyfriend didn't care to look as Seonghwa closed the door behind him, not even giving him the notion that he may have heard him to begin with. He just took another drag, glassy eyes staring out into the city as he exhaled a cloud of white; seemingly devoid of all awareness. He always got lost in his head when he smoked, and the blonde hated it. Although, Hongjoong was at the age now where he couldn't just tune out any minor inconveniences whenever he wanted to. Especially when he was expected to be mentally present during work and in his home life, now more than ever with the next coming months.

Seonghwa approached him slowly, feet padding along the damp, wooden paneling below him. He pressed himself against his boyfriend's chilly back, feeling his lungs hitch at the contact. Hongjoong hummed in acknowledgement as a pair of lips were pressed to the skin behind his ear, lashes fluttering as he tried to capture a glimpse of the blonde behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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