🧼pt 3🧼

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you went to go search for some sort of blanket. You walked into a small dark room. You checked the closet, there were only two blankets "perfect", there was one fluffy white blanket and the other was a grey thin blanket.

You walked over to könig and put the white fluffy blanket on him before tucking him in , stuffing the blanket in his arms and legs

You sat next to him on the chair you were previously sitting on, and you wrapped  yourself in the gray blanket. After a few minutes, you couldn't seem to fall as It was really frigid you snuggled up closer to your blanket. The last thing you remember was feeling warm and falling asleep.

you opened up your eyes face pressed against könig's chest "what the fuck könig" you said before pushing him away making little room between you and him.

"Sorry, you just looked cold,"

How could you be mad at him he was just being nice "well still you could have asked me,"

"Well, I didn't want to wake you ,besides, you would have said yes any ways,"


He got up and looked at you ,now that is was day time you could see all of the scars on his body his arms were larg and had one long scar from his shoulder to the beginning of his four arm .

Your teeth shiverd at the sight of it.

" You're still cold?" König asked an eyebrow shooting up in question.

"What no, I was ju-"

"I could lay with you for a little longer," he said, cutting you off

How could you say no to him? He is just trying to help, but you also don't know him that much, so it will be a little awkward. You still don't want to hurt his feelings, though


könig x reader FemWhere stories live. Discover now