Chapter Five

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I wouldn't have thought that the sign-up sheet for the musical would be intimidating, but it is. There are only ten names on there, and among them I see Bethany Reynolds, Hugo Priestley and Georgina Wilkinson, written in big curly handwriting. Beth's got a star next to her name, like she knows she's made for the Elphaba part. I'm not even remotely surprised.

I take a deep breath. The pen I'm holding puts a dot on the paper, then I pull back, hesitating. Do I want to do this? Yes. Okay. I'm doing this. Writing my name... and... done.

I step back, examining my work with a frown. I mean, it's only my signature, but it seems significant somehow, like it's the beginning of an era. My handwriting is a little scraggly and "Dawson" is all squished up, but at least it's legible. I exhale. I'm really signing up for the musical. Who would have thought?

'Hey,' a voice says from behind me. 'You actually signed up, wow.'

Hugo. It's like I'm conjuring him up out of thin air. Say his name three times like Beetlejuice and boom! There he is.

'Hey,' I reply, 'yeah. I couldn't see why not.'

Are my cheeks burning? Why the hell are my cheeks burning? Shit, okay. I need to calm down. Jump down a few levels of crazy-pants.

I stuff my hands into my pockets in fists, my fingernails biting into my palm. 'So, what's up between you and Beth? She told me you guys kicked her out of the drama club.'

Hugo sighs, looking sheepish. 'That... wasn't my idea. But come on, you know Beth. She can be a bit intense sometimes.'

That doesn't make it right, I want to say. But I don't. I hold my tongue and let Hugo finish. 'You believe me,' he asks, 'right?'

I look down. 'I... I don't have all the facts yet.'

There's an excruciating amount of silence. Both of us stare at the sign-up sheet, trying to find some sort of message in it that will tell us what to say.

'Um,' I half-mutter finally, 'I'm sorry about, you know, the Boost Juice Incident.'

Hugo laughs. I don't know anybody else with as good a laugh as Hugo has. 'Seriously? You were fine. Don't think I didn't see the trainee pin. I knew what I was getting into, don't worry.'

I flush crimson. 'Oh. Thanks. I guess.'

Hugo shakes his head, chuckling at the floor. 'You're a marvel, Morgan, you really are.'

A marvel. I'm a marvel. Is there a darker shade of crimson? Because I think my cheeks are that colour right now. I spin around, facing Hugo knee-to-knee. 'I think you're –'

I'm about to tell him that he's going to get a lead role in the play. But then Beth walks past us. And I don't know what comes over me, but suddenly I can't say it. Did I just – am I protecting Beth? I can't believe that I would even think of protecting her, considering she hates me, and everything. Especially since I kind of have a crush on Hugo, and I would basically compliment him on anything and everything.

Hugo frowns at me. 'Are you okay, Morgan?'

'I'm...' I trail off. I'm being stupid, I know. If I could pinch myself without Hugo noticing, I would. 'Yes, I'm fine. Totally cool.'

Totally cool? Totally cool. Why the hell did I say that? What is wrong with me?

Hugo checks his watch. 'I've got class. So, I guess, see you at auditions later?'

Right. Auditions. They're later today. Hugo and Georgina will be there, and so will Beth. 'Oh, yeah, definitely. See you then.'

Hugo nods before spinning on his heel to go to his class. I lean back against the wall of the sign-up sheet. I still can't believe I wanted to protect Beth. She doesn't even like me! She's my boss for crying out loud. She and I have zero friendship connection whatsoever. So why did I... you know what, I'm not even going to think about it. That's it. I'm done.

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