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|| 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞? ||

Groaning and mumbling, you sat up on your bed. You had a massive headache and your legs hurt. Squinting your eyes, you looked around the room, your room, you didn't recognise it. It looked full with colour and cluttered with decoration. All the colours of the rainbow covered your doorframe. It was bigger than you remembered and looked less realistic.

The window to your right displayed a fairly sunny area, even though it was supposed to be raining. In a state of confusion you patted around for your mobile to check the time,date and weather.

Widened eyes appeared when you couldn't find your phone. Sitting up straight you stopped patting and turned on your lamp, expecting the same dim light you always get, but instead there was a bright light shooting out off the bulb, making you wince.

Something was off.

Your phone not being right next to you, ready for your alarm, your room having more life, your bulb being too excessive. It didn't seem true. Everything was unrealistic. Everything felt like a dream. Shaking your head to get rid of the thought, you stood up and made your bed, completely forgetting about your phone since it isn't the main issue.

You took another look around your room and decided to get up to your half opened curtains and take a look outside. Grabbing the edges of the cloth you pulled them away only to reveal a small town.

To your right there was a small red cottage with some neatly planted bushes outside. On the other side there was an eye catching odd theatre-like house. Your eyes traveled around the circle of homes, all of the places had a theme, the colours. They were warmer colours with some blue.

The house in the middle caught your attention. Why was that one the odd one out? Why wasnt it in the circle like the rest? Why- your thoughts got cut short by a loud knock on your door.

Turning your head you shouted a quick "coming!". The tapping had taken you by surprise. You didn't see anyone approach your house. Pulling the curtains back again you raced out your bedroom door and took a second to glance at the house layout.

It was pretty cosy with its aspects. It was one story with a smaller kitchen and a tucked away eating table, there was another room with a 70s TV and two doors connected to that wich you assumed to be the toilet and storage. However, the front door was bulkier and had its own separate bluey colour.

Another knock was heard and you moved to your front door. Opening the door you saw two merry looking people.

One of them had an open-mouthed smile on her yellow, pointy star like face, she wore a blue pinafore with a colourfully checkered blouse underneath. It was paired with cerulean flares and cherry trainers.

The person next to her had long bouncy blonde hair flowing through a white head band and cany corn like horns. She was in a big red dress with yellow accents and a belt around her waist. She also had a yellow necktie and ombreing leggings on. With some white velcro slippers.

Both of them were really unique.

"Hey neighbour! I'm Julie Joyfull and this is Sally." The blonde one said referring to the other girl. Sally had just shun a big smile and waved at me.

"Oh! Hello, I'm y/n, and I think I'm new here!" You assumed matching her louder tone pushing your hand out to shake.

Sally had laughed at this, lifting her hands up slightly.
"What do you mean by 'you think', silly," She commented as she grabbed my hand to shake. "It's not like you have been here for more than a day."

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