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People of Angora has never met the real world that lies on the other side of  the magical trees. They were happy having there small world together. When Helena brought a woman with her they didn't question her, villager believed in Helena decisions and always supported her. Helena was daughter of village head, He was a brave man who fought against the tiger and saved a child's life by loosing his own. Helena was same as her father, her decisions were bold and always helped the village.

Diana collapsed once she reached the village, due to lack of energy and dehydration. Helena called villagers for help and took Diana to her hut, soon a person named 'Adina' from village who had knowledge in medicines treated Diana, Adina tied bandages to Diana and informed Helena that she might come into consciousness by morning and asked everyone to leave the hut so that Dina could take some rest.

Adina was an old man and had experience in knowing peoples character in one glimpse, Adina and Helena came out of the hut, Adina curiously sees Helena and asks " How did you meet her dear " Helena remembers the first site of the mesmerizing beauty that she saw today at the river bank " I found her wounded near the river bank " .

Adina notices the changes in Helena's face she looks happy and confused at same time " she dose not seems like a common person Helena, I can tell that she is not a simple women like all others, she is special !"

"what make you say that Adina ? " asks Helena curiously, " dear I have spent my whole life understanding  feelings of people, but there is something about this girl that I am unable to  read  her emotions and her wound are healing way more fast than I expected " Adina sits on a bench which was kept outside of  the hut.

Helena sits next to Adina " I don't know from were did she come or what happened to her, Adina but only thing that i know is she needs my help and i would never leave a person in that state " Adina keeps a hand on Helena's head " my dear child you are really kind, may the lord bless you with all the happiness "Helena smiles, Adina get up from the bench and take her leave.

Helena goes back to the hut and see that her mother was trying to make some food. Helena takes vessel from her mothers hand and asks her to sit, Helen's mother 'Sara' smiles at her with a interrupting coughs " mom you know you don't  have to do this, am here ". Sara coughs " i know dear, i was just trying to help." Helena takes hot soup and gives it to her mother " its okay mom, u will cook for me once your are complete fine I promise " Sara smiles sadly " who is this girl you brought with you, she dose not seem to be from here ". Helena looks at the sleeping beauty through the corner of her eyes " oh she, I found her near the river bank, she was wounded " Helena drinks the soup and continues " mom can we let her stay in our home until she is recovered and finds her way back " Sara thinks for sometime " dear i know you want to help but are sure she is of no harm to village" Helena smiles " mom i promise I will be the first person who will bear the consequences before anyone else, can we please help her " Sara returns the smile " sure my dear, you know your to kind for this world ". Helena gives a reassuring  smile to her mother, " enough of chit chat, you should take rest " says Helena and takes the bowl from her mother and guides her to bed. after doing some household work Helena also goes to take rest as its already late, before going to sleep Helena takes a shot glace at Diana who was sleeping like a baby on the bed, Helena smile to her self and drifts to sleep.

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