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She again started cutting the symbol into her right wrist. With her left hand in which she had the small paper knife she slowly and carefully traced the first line. Shortly after the second forming an X in the middle of her right wrist starting on one of the two line she now wanted to form a circle above...

He again could feel the pain but the only difference was, he could now also see how she was doing it. He felt every single inch she pressed the paper knife into her soft flesh. Not to deep but enough to leave a scar. Especially after she had done it multiple times. He was finally able to open her window. Slowly and quietly entering her room. He knew for a fact that her parents weren't home. She had headphones on. If she didn't know that she was alone 100% she would not do it while not being aware of her surroundings. He stared down at his wrist while sitting on her windowsill slowly a circle started to form above the x she had created.

She hummed slightly while he slowly pushed himself off of the windowsill barely making any sound except the rubbing of his clothes against each other and quite taps from his feet hitting the cold wooden floor. His hoody partly torn or atleast some holes in it besides dirt and blood he crouched down wanting to watch her a bit more. Now sat between her window and bed he was aware that she had finished the symbol on her wrist.

She was done. Taking the sanitizer from behind her She opened the plastic cap putting a paper towel or two under her arm and splashing a good amount of hand sanitizer onto her new wound. The burning sensation left her sighing and he now again felt that stinging but afterwards relaxing pain in his right wrist.
She layed back letting herself slowly fall onto her white bedsheets mattress. Turning her wrist so it got air and the burning sensation slowly faded making her skin even more exposed to the cool air then normally.

He could literally smell her washed hair a wonderful scent as he thought. His mother had tought him to only take those as friends which he liked to smell and she was right. He had experienced this phenomen a lot in his lifetime meeting the most different people. As she was starting to sit and stand up again she still held onto the knife now switching hands. The paper knife was now also in her right hand. He slowly creeped up behind her just before she was about to take one earplug out of her left ear. Wanting to see her reaction he suddenly snapped forward leeping and putting his left arm around her chest and arms while his right hand covered her mouth. He didn't say anything just stood there.
And waited.
For her to react!

She held still didn't fight she just stood and after a minute or so just started to slowly lift her right arm against his as she came to realize the fairly strong arms around her. He let it slide. She carefully touched his hand covering her mouth the dim light creating a shadow over both and each their actions and moves.
He let his hand guided by hers into her view exposing his upcramped arm of his hoodie to reveal their scar and wound still read from the alcoholic smelling liquid splashed onto it. She took his right arm so that she could have a good look at his scar, at THEIR scar, and finally she let his hand go. He continued to hold his hand up for her. Her right hand with the paperknife came closer to the scar. Suddenly her sweet voice sounded in his ears "I missed a spot...". So she took the scalpel like instrument and pressed it into his skind his muscles pressing against the comfortable pain. Holding his arm in place for her to finish their sharing. Their connection.
After she finished she slowly took the knife up to her mouth opening to slightly let her tongue carefully lick the blade. "B+?" She questioned even tho it sounded more like a statement. "Mine is A-..." She continued. A faint smile creeping onto her lips as he started grinning approving of her knowledge.
The moment he answered he could feel slight shivers.

"Indeed." his ruff voice answered, lack of communication making his voice Crack a bit.
She felt shivers run down her spine and hoped he didn't realize her shiver. He probably did anyways she thought at last.

Finally she looked up he watched her every move closely. By now his hand was free and he moved his hand slowly towards her head.
As she looked up to him and they locked eyes he pulled a Strand of her out of her face. Both realizing that they had found what they were looking for their whole life what others took their whole lifetime. Even though they were 'only' 21 and 23.
"Y/N" she slowly spoke.
"I know," he responded this time cackling at her shivers. "I'm-..."
"I know who you are...!"

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