Chapter One

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The shimmering clouds, the dancing waters

The sun sets over the ocean, with beauty and reverence

The birds' singing quiets as the world prepares for the cool nights, as the dusk sets in I drink up the intoxicating air.

The sea begins to show the galaxies of the world

Floating amongst the rose-tinted clouds and ethereal worlds of other, closing my eyes, letting my mind drift off to some far-away world, not quite real, not quite imagined.

As the daylight fades into night, I let myself sink into the dreamy lands of the mind. I drift off, both physically and mentally, my anchors swaying their hold on reality and the ocean floor.

My eyes snap open, awakening from the wondrous dream. Shit, I was sleeping in class. Thank the gods, it was only English class and we were reading a book I've read countless times, but still. I've ought to get a handle on my sleep routine sooner or later, or I'd never survive the actual working world. I thought back to that dream. It was so very vivid, although I've never been to the ocean or the coast. It was so, so real. I'm surprised I've not already forgotten it, based on previous instances of thinking about dreams. Weird, the details were still completely clear. Weirdest part? I shouldn't be able to dream. Nobody dreams in Sumeru, other than of course, Lesser Lord Kusanali. And the Traveller, I suppose, but he's not of this nation. He also travels a lot, true to his nickname. So I don't think he really counts.

"Kokomi?" My professor's voice breaks through my wall of thought. My head shoots up, looking both surprised and sorrowful.

"Ah- Apologies, Professor Faulken, I was thinking over the last paragraph." I lied quickly, deciding I wouldn't become a test subject by speaking of my dreams.

"Why? It was just an honorary paragraph that spoke of another story by this author." He questioned. Shit, I need to come up with something quick-

"I was thinking about how it could have a much deeper meaning than what it says. The book it's referring to has many underlying meanings to the words, so I was attempting to find one in this sense." I said, truthfully. I love finding the meanings behind words and sentences, things that aren't on the surface. It's so appealing to me, solving puzzles and tricks of words, breaking through to see the author's perspective. I can't get enough of the accomplished, adrenaline induced feeling figuring something like this gives me. It's euphoric, ethereal even. It's like that dream. Breaking myself back into the world, I see that my tablemate who shares a dorm in the Academiya with me is staring. At me. My face flushes a bright red, seeing her eyes looking at me so... beautifully. She looks as if she's staring at the high priestess of some important shrine. I mean, she does major in religious history, so she's no stranger to shrine maidens and high priestesses.

"Ah, I apologise for staring, Kokomi." Ayaka suddenly broke free of the daze, seeing my flustered face and chuckling. Damn, she's cute.

"It's alright. I'm just not used to this much attention being paid to me. Am I really all that interesting to you, Ayaka-san?" I responded surprisingly calmly for my racing mind.

"Actually, you are. You look like the high priestess of Watatsumi Island from 10,000 years ago. I was wondering if your parents were religious or hav-" Ayaka attempted to finish, but I interrupted.

"I don't have parents. I'm an orphan, Ayaka-san." I cut her off, feeling bad, but I needed to let her know that.

"Oh Archons, I'm so sorry for bringing it up. Please allow me to fix this mistake and make it up to you, Kokomi-san!" She responded. She sounded so guilty. I don't like her voice like this. She sounds so stressed about me. She shouldn't be. I'm going to prepare a surprise of her favourite meal for dinner tonight to make it up to her, and to tell her that she shouldn't feel sorry.

"Ayaka-san, please don't get me anything to apologise. You don't need to apologise, it's perfectly fine. An honest mistake." I said nonchalantly.

"O-oh, alright! Thank you for your kindness, Kokomi-San." She stuttered in reply to my waiving off of her insolence. Her confused face was so cute, trying to figure out why I didn't mind. 

Sinking into your Depthsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें